Page 18 of Grave Investigations
Is she the danger that Wolf was trying to save us from?
My mind swirls with all of the possibilities. I’m not sure how far a ghost’s reach can be, but could her anger and resentment have followed her into the afterlife? Were we just another set of targets for her attacks?
Before I close the web, I type in ‘can ghosts attach to people, not just places?’ and there are a ton of hits and videos that come up. I clicked on the first video and it’s some douche that looks jacked. He’s unfortunately more about his appearance and being in front of the camera than learning more about the history of the place and why it’s haunted. Another fraud or actor that gives ghost hunting a bad name. I’ve heard Raven ranting about his type often.
“Well, he’s useless.” I mutter to myself as I scroll away..
Beyond the videos, there’s plenty of blog posts and articles. I open the first article and it’s an interesting read. If Wolf or any of the ghosts from the college were truly with us now, it’s something called spirit attachment. The specters find comfort with the living and physical aspects of life. Some of them simply don’t realize they are dead and that leaves them confused.
Huh, how wouldn’t you know you were dead? Do they still go to work for eight hours? Are the teachers at the college still teaching? Do they see the world as the past and never reality?
My eyes glance at the clock on the laptop. Shit, it reads 4:30. We have a long day planned, I need to get back to bed. I just pray that sleep will find me after all of that.
Then, wouldn’t you know, I couldn’t stifle my yawn.
At least now I have a few answers and a million more questions. I make sure that the photo is saved and that the bookmarks are still there before I shut down the computer. This info I found may be an important discovery but Rav and Jayce need some rest.
When I return to the bed, Jayce has his arms wrapped around Rav, a smile tips my lips at the sight of them. It seems natural for the two of them to be like this and I’m a little surprised that no jealousy spikes within me. I know I told them I was good with all of this but I assumed it would take time to get here. Jealousy is a natural emotion, yet it’s missing now. Somehow, we are falling into place naturally and I’m glad. We can use the break.
Taking my spot back on the bed, I roll on my side and Raven throws a hand over my hip and pulls me closer till her hot breath fans my neck. In a matter of minutes, I’m out.
This time when I open my eyes, the clock reads ten a.m. Shit, did I oversleep? When I roll over, the sheets are cool to the touch. Did Rav and Jayce leave without me? I try to jump out of the bed, but I miscalculate. My feet are wrapped in the sheets and I fall face-first onto the wooden tiles. The breath is knocked out of me and it takes a second to regain my composure and breathe through the pain radiating up my face and side. I’m still far too sore for more accidents like this.
The door to the room bursts open and a look of worry is on Raven’s face.
“Eli, are you okay?”
“Yep, just my pride and nose hurt.” I laugh as I break free from the sheets and stand up.
“Jayce and I were getting breakfast ready when we heard the thump. Scared us to death. With all this crazy shit happening, I didn’t know what it could be.”
“I thought you left without me, so I was trying to catch up. Did you say breakfast?” I smile, shaking off the frantic mood I’d woken up in.
“Gah, you’re thinking with your stomach again. Come with me, I was fixing to bring you a plate,” she smiles at me. At least she looks more relaxed and rested today. Until I fill them in on the stuff I found last night, that is.
“Why did you let me sleep in?” I ask as we head to the little table in the kitchen area.
“You were up half the night. When Jayce and I got up, you looked too peaceful to wake up. So, we decided to let you rest until we had breakfast ready. Okay, okay, Jayce made the food, but I was looking for some places we could go today. I found out that the lady who runs the new-age shop also specializes in scrying. I think we should visit her.”
“What is that?”
“I read a little on it and basically they use a charged crystal and maps to find a person. I thought maybe we could see if Wolf is still at the college or if he’s attached to us.”
“That’s a great plan, Rav, but for now, let’s eat.” I hold back on adding anything else to the chaos for now. It’s nice to just have these little pockets of peace and we need to embrace them when we can. The rest can wait.
Eli and Jayce have been talking research for hours. I never thought I’d see the day my boyfriend and best friend would be this close, or that Eli could be this excited about reading old articles and books, but here we are.
“Raven, come here,” Eli calls just as I’m pulling the rigatoni out of the oven. Before walking away, I slide the garlic bread in the oven and set a timer in case I get distracted. Which we all know will happen.
“What?” I ask, poking my head in. Eli just waves me over and points to the screen. He’d caught us up on his findings, but finding actual information on the college fire was not easy. He’s still dead set on this Stella Walker being behind it all, but one picture of her glaring at Wolf wasn’t enough for any of us. Yet, every time I glance at that picture, a wave of annoyance hits me. I don’t like the idea of someone hurting him, which is crazy because he was obviously harmed when he died in the fire. I’m officially losing it. Can you feel protective over a man you’ve never met? Because I am.
Yet, I can’t shake this odd connection I feel to the man. After the first dreams, feeling like I was in his shoes and seeing it with him, he’s been on my mind. Not to mention if this Stella is behind our haunting then why would she be so subtle? She’d start a fire and not give us smoke and mirrors.
Honestly, it’s time to admit that we’re in over our heads and have more questions than answers. But Jayce and Eli are not ones to admit defeat.
“She was committed June 2, 1911, the same exact week the fire started. And yet every article keeps listing the fire as accidental, shoddy wiring,” he explains. “It’s too much of a coincidence, right?”