Page 15 of Grave Investigations
Laura then loads the first reel of film into the machine and makes it look easy. I’m not stupid enough to think that it’s going to be a breeze for me but as she pointed out, there are instructions. That’s definitely something I can follow.
She shows me how to operate the machine and how to fast forward and rewind if needed. Despite seeming put out by how many I chose, she’s in her zone now, all smiles as she explains each step.
“If you find something that you’d like to print out, we are capable of doing that as well.”
“Thank you, this will be a great help for my paper,” I lie through my teeth.
She nods before heading off, I hear her shh a few teens that are getting rowdy before I return my attention to the film. I test the controls, and fuck that film can move fast. It takes me a couple tries, but I find the sweet spot and I start scanning the archived papers. If there was something terrible that happened there, I’ll find it on the front page. Or at least I hope. That’s where they generally print the dreadful events in our town. And everything that happened at Zaire in the past was fairly dreadful.
The first reel only had a few mentions that the grants and loans were approved to break ground on the college. I easily unload this film, but loading the next is a bitch. My hand accidentally bumps the fast forward, sending the reel flying and unspooling thanks to not having the other end hooked in correctly.
Fuck, the librarian is going to kill me. Laura was so nice and patient with me and here I am tearing up her shit.
I scramble from my chair to where the film landed and I catch a break. Even after it flew, it’s not all off the metal reel. With care, I start to wind it back up before I experience a deep and heartbreaking sadness. Tears well up in the corner of my eyes and it’s hard to breathe. What the shit?
“Is there anyone here?” I ask in a whisper. I’m in a library after all. Aren’t they notorious for creepy basement rooms and forlorn ghosts.
I set the reel down when I have the compulsion to type. My body moves swiftly to the nearest computer and my fingers stroke the keys with a mind of their own.
That’s all. Once the words are on screen the sadness and compulsion are both gone.
So, was Lucien’s ghost attached to Raven and Iris was now attached to me? Or was it just a coincidence? I try to shake off the weird feeling that’s still lingering. Her emotions were strong, but fleeting, unlike before. It felt quick and rushed like she didn't have much time. Did she come back just for this? Was he trapped beyond what he should be? As I have the thoughts, I feel a mystery brewing in my mind. There’s more to this haunting than meets the eyes, I feel it in my bones. And if there’s anything I love, it’s research. I’ll figure this out if it kills me. Wolf tried to save us… maybe we can save him, too?
That’s enough to get my mind focused back on my task. Once the reel is loaded, properly this time, I easily lose myself again.
The second cartridge is when I hit the jackpot. I’m about halfway through when eventually, I stop on one, the headline calling out to me,
Well, fuck. That would explain why there was so much activity there and then the fire on top of all that. It’s like a ghost magnet.
The longer I read on, the more sick to my stomach I get. It takes everything in me, but I man up and keep going, cursing myself for not thinking to bring a pen and paper. Rav and Eli need to see all as well. Then I remember that the librarian mentioned something about being able to print off copies.
I’m about to go ask for help when the instructions slide out from under the keyboard.
Shit. I jump up and knock my chair over in the process. This gets me a shh from Laura. I whisper an apology as I right my chair. Maybe I’m on edge with all the events that happened and that little visit from Iris didn’t help matters. Or maybe she is lingering, ensuring I’m going in the proper direction.
I rifle through the instructions before I get to a deeply detailed page on how to print. I’m impressed that Laura took the time to make this.
Once I send that article to the printer I decide to keep going. Even after finding those two events, I can't help but wonder if any other catastrophes have struck at Zaire.
The next two reels are a bust for anything paranormal, I’m just about to pack it in because my eyes are getting heavy from staring at the screen for so long. But I get a nudge to try one more and I’m glad I did. Kind of. When I read the headline my blood runs cold.
The compulsion is so strong that I print this article without reading all the details and finish the reel before I pack up. I wanted to read the whole thing but the glare from Laura tells me I’ve overstayed my welcome.
I’m not a complete dick, so I tidy up the little area I’d claimed and gather the reels to take back to the circle desk. With a smile on my face, I set the film on the counter.
“Thank you for all your help. I have a few pages printed. How much do I owe you?” I ask sweetly.
“You have four black and white copies, so forty cents, please.”
I dig the change from my pocket as she gets my pages off the printer. My charm, apparently, works because she hands them over with a relaxed smile this time.
I thank her again as I take the pages and head back to the apartment.