Page 109 of Grave Investigations
Bonus Investigation
“How much farther? I thought you said we were almost there,” Jayce said from the backseat as his leg bounced up and down.
“The GPS just told us to turn in ten miles," Eli groaned from behind the wheel.
"Did you drink too much before we left?" I asked, more teasing than anything. We’d been on the road for far too long but Eli was determined to reach our destination before nightfall. This was our first investigation in a long time together. We’d taken time off to heal after all the crazy in our lives.
"Maybe..." he muttered and sat back with a huff.
"Dude, you knew this was a long ride. What's the number one rule?" Eli demanded with a smirk. Any chance he got to mess with his friend, he’d take.
"I know, I know, empty the tank. I woke up late and didn't want to make us miss the caretakers," Jayce admitted with a groan. I swear, having three boyfriends sometimes felt like living in pure chaos.
"That was thoughtful of you, but if we have to make a pitstop, we’ll definitely be late. Traffic was too crazy,” I admitted. “Can you make it?”
"I can hold it. I just hope there are some trees there," he said as he turned to look out the window.
"Why did I let you talk me into coming again?" Lucien asked with a smirk.
"Because you love me," I reminded him, reaching over to take his hand.
"Damn, my soft heart.” He laughed at the guys huffing out their protests. He had an old soul, but that made sense with him being a ghost for years before we managed to bring him back. Slowly he was acclimating to modern life and even joined into the teasing when he could.
"Come on, guys, this is gonna be fun," Eli said before he turned the radio up to tune us out. The speakers blared, "Somebody's Watching Me".
Well, that's not ominous or anything. Nope, not an omen at all.
Refusing to let anything ruin the day, I sang along, trying to get a hold on my nerves. I loved ghost hunting but I spent half the investigation on edge. There was no way for me to know when a spirit would pop up and scare me.
I got lost in thought as I pondered over what we might be dealing with. Between me seeing and hearing ghosts, Eli getting thrown into trances as he relived their final moments, Jayce feeling every emotion they threw our way, and Lucien feeling uneasy, it would be interesting.
Lucien was the only one of us without a ghost related power. Instead he seemed to have the ability to find whatever he wished for. Though it only worked sometimes. We kept encouraging him to practice so maybe this time he will try and use it a bit more, embrace it.
A hand touched mine and I jumped a little in my seat.
"You okay, Raven?" Eli asked as I turned his way.
"Ghost hunting jitters, what can I say?" I gave him a shrug. We all knew what our last big ghost encounter did to us, he didn’t need me to elaborate now.
"I think we all get nervous. That's just part of being alive," he reassured me.
"Did you bring your pillow in case you go into a memory?" It was a subject change and he knew it, giving me an eye roll.
"That's what Jayce is for. I'll stick next to him. If I'm going down, he's going with me," Eli snorted.
"I didn't volunteer for that," Jayce spoke up from the backseat. I was surprised he heard with the way he was gazing at the landscape rolling by.
“It’s just part of the package,” Eli countered in a smug voice. Brat.
"Is that it ahead?" Jayce questioned, changing the subject.
"Yes, I can just make out the outline. We still have a mile or so to go," Eli said.
There was a sigh of relief from Jayce.
"So, when we get there, Lucien and I will talk to the caretaker. Eli, you babysit Jayce as he empties his bladder and we can meet back up at the car.