Page 52 of Mafia King's Secret Baby
Truly, I shuddered to think about how quickly Elio would fold in the face of one of Luna’s legendary tantrums. She was a headstrong kid, which I didn’t mind, because I would prefer her to be strong-willed than passive.
Like her mother had been, once upon a time.
However, the sheer panic in his eyes at the little display she had given earlier was… well, slightly satisfying, if I was being honest.
Okay. Very satisfying.
Elio had clearly been terrified of the concept of continuing to guide Luna through her big feelings, and I had been only too happy to take the reigns. Hopefully, if all went according to plan, this would all just be a memory of an adventure in Luna’s mind. No harm, no foul.
Hopefully it wouldn’t completely screw her up for life.
And, hopefully Elio wouldn’t be much more than a memory for her. A nice man with a cool pool.
My heart cringed a little.
There had been a time when a family with Elio was my dream.
Now, unfortunately, it was a nightmare.
One that I was living.
By the time the plane landed, Luna was out again. As I thought, part of her tantrum situation had been the fact that she was tired.
Hungry, definitely not. I’m not even sure how, but Gia had produced enough snacks to feed an army, let alone a hungry five-year-old.
My estimation of Gia was slowly creeping up.
Watching her try to put Elio in line was entertaining, to say the least. They definitely had an interesting dynamic.
It made me miss my own brothers.
On the phone, Marco had been furious. I had tried to give him as much information as I could, considering that Elio was breathing down my neck, but his tone promised that there would be hell to pay for whoever found out where Luna and Nonna Mia were.
Nonna Mia would recover. She was frightened and wanted to be sent back to the farm with some security, but she was a tough woman. She would be okay.
Marco’s threats, however, chilled me to the bone.
He was going to do something stupid.
I can only hope that Sal and Dino would be able to talk Marco down off of the ledge.
Fat chance of that.
“We’re going to land in the next thirty minutes,” Gia whispers, looking at Luna sleeping in my arms.
I nod. “Can she stay?”
“Girl. It’s Elio’s jet. You can do whatever you want.”
I just hug Luna closer.
The plane lands smoothly. It’s early in Rome, and I have no idea where we’re going next. I don’t know if Elio has a house in the city, or outside of it, or…
“I can carry her,” he rumbles from behind me.
I curl tighter against my baby. “We’re fine.”
Elio studies me for a minute, then nods. “Fine. Have it your way.”