Page 3 of Mafia King's Secret Baby
“I don’t doubt that. I know how much you love Luna. But Marco...” I squeeze my eyes shut against the tears that prick at the edges of my vision.
“Sorellina, I know. I know what I’m asking of you. I promise you that if I thought you or Luna would be in danger, I wouldn’t do it. It’s our only course of action, yes. But more than that, it’s a plan that will work,” he emphasizes the last word softly.
I shut my eyes tighter as the tears flood me. “Please don’t make me do this,” I whisper.
I really am begging now.
I hate it.
I don’t beg. Not to Marco, not my two other brothers. Not to anyone.
But I don’t want to see Elio ever again. Let alone marry him.
“Caterina, I swear to you. It’s a foolproof plan. We just need?—”
“Zietto Marco!” a small voice squeaks.
Instantly I steel myself. Luna can’t see me cry.
I won’t let her know how hard this is.
To her knowledge, she’s just going to stay with Nonna Mia for a while, my grandmother’s ancient half-sister. Nonna Mia is a black sheep in many ways, and since her connection to the family is tenuous at best, we figure she would be the best spot to hide Luna while we try and bring down Elio and the Rossis.
Also, she lives on a farm and has goats. Luna will be charmed the entire time.
There’s a blur of dark hair and light-up shoes, and my child throws herself in Marco’s lap. He laughs, then stands and swings her around. Her delighted shrieks are a balm to my nerves, but only slightly.
Any guilt that I’ve had over the years about Luna not having a father is entirely erased when she’s around my brothers. The three of them are protective as hell, and they spoil her better than any father could. They’re perfect together.
All the more reason that we don’t need Elio to be a part of our lives. Now, in the future, or ever again.
“Zietto, did you know that the outside of your door is seven feet and three and one four inches tall?”
I grin while Marco pretends to be surprised and engages with Luna.
Luna has been really into measuring things lately. I would blame her kindergarten teacher, but I love it. Her school does a lot of experiential learning, and a local hardware store gifted them all tape measures.
Luna has always loved to build and construct, so she’s been really interested in understanding how things are put together. There’s no doubt that she’s been outside of the office carefully measuring the doorframe for this entire conversation.
There’s also no doubt in my mind that she was blissfully unaware of what we were talking about.
Being five is a blessing, and Luna is an even bigger one.
“We should go,” I whisper. It’s not safe for Luna and me to be around the main house; there’s no doubt that Elio and his spies have eyes all over this place.
Luckily, my grandfather was a wildly paranoid man, and Luna and I could use the tunnel system that he installed to our advantage.
Elio hasn’t found out about her yet. He appears to have no interest in me whatsoever past that night, which is fine with me.
I’m done hating him for his indifference.
Apparently, my brothers and I have moved into a much colder phase of our feelings for Elio.
“One week, sorellina. Then we begin.”
I gulp.