Page 3 of Stalking Rose (Under His Tree)
“It’s a good look for you,” Damien barely keeps a straight face while telling the lie.
“I bet.” For the first time, I notice the huge Rottweiler puppy dancing around my brother’s feet. “I didn’t know you have a dog.”
“This is Elvis,” Damien tells me, and I blink several times, trying to figure out why in the hell he would name the dog Elvis. Oh well, I have other concerns right now. There’s tension filling the air around us, and I realize my brother is waiting for me to make the first move. It’s a tactic I taught him.
Giant, Forrest, and Logan all look like they’d rather be anywhere but here. I’m debating how to ease this tension when my brother tells me, “My wife is dealing with a difficult pregnancy. I won’t have you upsetting her. Get over yourself and be nice or I’ll throw you out.”
Logan groans under his breath while Forrest mutters, “Son of a bitch,” behind me.
“Did you just tell the King of Belldonnia to get over himself?” I ask, knowing my brother loves to give me shit when I speak in the third-person. He’s the only person I pull this trick on, just to watch the fucker grit his teeth when I do it.
“I did. And stop talking about yourself in the third-person. It makes you seem like a mental patient.” Damien doesn’t disappoint me.
Laughter bursts from my throat at the look of dismay on his face. “The third-person thing really is too much,” I agree and pull him close for a hug. A real hug, not the girly, sissy shit most diplomats use. “It’s good to see you, little brother. I see you’re still a pain in the ass.”
“That won’t ever change.” Relief lights Damien’s smile.
I look around, wondering where my new sister-in-law is. “Where is Milly?” I hope she isn’t terrified of me.
“I think she’s passed out on the sofa. This pregnancy is kicking her ass.” He leads us to the living room and points at the gorgeous woman stretched out on the sofa, snoring softly. I saw her briefly at her parents’ funeral, but the stress of the day colored my perception.
“Why don’t you let her rest?” Milly has dark circles under her eyes, and I don’t want to add to her difficult pregnancy. “I’d like to see your newest video game.” Actually, I want to kick my little brother’s ass. I don’t usually use my money and influence unnecessarily, but I couldn’t help myself this time. I procured a copy of his latest video game before its release, and I’ve been spending all my free time practicing playing it. Our sibling rivalry will never really end.
“Follow me.” Damien signals for me to follow him before turning to my bodyguards. “This house is a goddamn fortress. You two can set up in the guest quarters.” I nod my head to Forrest, letting him know I agree with my brother’s request.
“This is my sign to leave,” Giant cuts in and turns to leave.
“Stay.” I need at least one witness to my victory. “You can watch the King of Belldonnia kick his little brother’s ass at video games.”
“You’re doing the third-person shit again.” Damien shakes his head. God, it’s good to see my brother. I didn’t realize how much I missed him until he started giving me hell. He’s just about the only person on earth that gives as good as he gets. “And there’s no way you’re going to beat me at the game I designed.”
“We’ll see.” I don’t say too much. I don’t want to tip my hand.
He points out several rooms on the way to the last room at the end of the hall. “My wife calls it my man cave.” She’s not wrong. This room is a grown man’s wet dream.
I quickly count the monitors lining the walls around a massive U-shaped desk. Who in the fuck needs ten monitors? On the far wall, my brother has the biggest television I’ve ever seen. It takes up the entire goddamn wall.
“This is what I call an office.” I whistle under my breath, impressed as hell. “I need one of those.” I plan to get a massive television installed in my personal parlor in the palace.
“You can watch up to twenty stations at once,” he brags.
“Goddamn. It’s the ADHD of televisions,” Giant mumbles, and I laugh with Damien.
I hold my own for two hours. “You’ve been practicing on this game,” Damien grumbles. After years of sibling competition, he isn’t shocked.
“The King of Belldonnia has his ways.” I can’t resist. I love to see the steam pouring out of his ears when I continue to speak in the third-person.
“Fucking third person,” he growls and kills my character on the screen. Damien smirks at me while my character graphically dies on the screen. “You’re good, but not as good as me.”