Page 18 of Stalking Rose (Under His Tree)
“That’s our cue to step out.” Forrest, Logan, and Dalton rush out the door and close it behind them.
“What have you done?” My curvy little rose bud is glaring at me with her hands on her hips.
“I got Princess a boyfriend.” I smile down into her shocked eyes and proceed to tell her my brilliant plan.
“I should be furious with you for getting us a new puppy when we’re about to have a baby human to take care of,” Rose grumbles, unconvinced that I’ve made the right decision. I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to have to lick Rose’s sweet pussy to ease her stress when my girl shocks me. “You’re too sweet to be mad at.”
My heart finally beats in a normal rhythm when I realize she isn’t upset with me. “But you’re cleaning up all the puppy accidents.”
“It’s a deal,” I promise, knowing I’ll get someone else to do it for me. After all, that’s one of the advantages of being the king.
“Now that I’ve gotten over this little hiccup with the dog, will you finally marry me?” I ask Rose and hold my breath, waiting for her answer.
“I think it’s sweet that you worked so hard to get my dog to like you.” My heart drops when she doesn’t instantly say yes. “But I would’ve married you no matter what.”
“Now you tell me,” I joke as happiness blasts through my soul. I start making plans in my mind for our wedding. With a little help from Forrest, Logan, and Dalton, I’m sure we can get something arranged within a few weeks since I don’t plan to let grass grow under my feet. Making Rose mine is my top priority.
“I have to keep you on your toes.” Rose smirks up at me, telling me that she knew what she was doing to me. “I don’t want you to get bored with me.”
“Rose bud, you don’t have to work very hard to keep me on my toes.” I kiss her hard. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I thank my lucky stars and the Silver Spoon Falls water every day for bringing you into my life.”
I glance down at my sleeping daughter and smile. “Are you sure you aren’t upset we didn’t have a boy first?” The Belldonnian ruling council changed the country’s constitution years ago, allowing for the first child of the monarch to ascend the throne no matter their sex, but I still worry my husband will regret not having a son.
“How could I ever be upset when I have a beautiful daughter who looks just like my gorgeous wife?” Lorenzo wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close as we stand at the side of Annabelle’s crib. “Plus, I’ll keep knocking you up until I finally get a son.”
My royal husband doesn’t ever let anything stand in his way. “I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but we have four more weeks until you can even think about coming anywhere near my baby-making parts.”
“That doesn’t matter.” He hugs me close and leans down to kiss my lips. “You’re worth the wait.”
“I hope you’re still saying that four weeks from now.” I fret then remind my husband, “At least we have a ton of stuff happening to keep us occupied in the meantime.”
Damien and Milly are bringing the twins to Belldonnia next week to meet their cousin. Then we have Annabelle’s christening and the ceremony to name her Lorenzo’s official heir.
“Don’t remind me,” my husband groans. “I’m going to have Forrest locked in the dungeon if he tells my brother how I got the dogs together.”
Oops. My bad. I’m pretty sure Damien already knows since I told Milly all about it months ago.
I walk out of our massive bathroom and find Duke laying on the bed next to Lorenzo. I laugh and watch the huge Rottweiler lick my husband’s head. “Do you two want to be alone?”
“Very funny,” he growls and orders the dog off the bed. Of course, the stubborn animal ignores him and continues licking.
“You know. Waking up like this was a teenage dream of mine.” I stare at Lorenzo, wondering what in the world he’s talking about. “Except that,” he points at Duke, “is the wrong species and sex. And it was the wrong head getting licked, too.”
My sleepy mind takes a few seconds to decipher my husband’s meaning. I throw back my head and laugh at the carefree look on his face before smacking his shoulder. “I can’t believe you.”
“What?” My husband feigns surprise. “Every teenage boy dreams of waking up getting a blow job.”
“Maybe we can make your teenage dreams come true,” I offer and turn to the dogs. “Treat.” I say the magic word and watch both Princess and Duke race for the bedroom door. “Just let me find someone to take care of these two, then I’ll take care of you,” I tell Lorenzo as he rolls out of bed and strolls naked to the bathroom.