Page 14 of Stalking Rose (Under His Tree)
“I’d never do anything to hurt you,” I assure her. “Why don’t you take a hot bath while I arrange for us to have breakfast.”
“That sounds great.” When she slides out of bed, my eyes roam over her luscious curves, and I almost say fuck it and pull her back in bed. The only thing stopping me is the thought of hurting my queen.
While Rose showers, I pull out my phone and dial my brother’s number. When I brought her here, I knew I’d find a way to convince her to give me a chance, but I had no idea it would happen so quickly.
“Hello,” Damien answers.
“We need to talk.” I don’t have time to waste. My girl will be coming down soon, and I want this taken care of.
“Let me head to my office.” I hear him moving around and a door close. “What’s going on?”
“I’m on St. Bella with Rose.” No use beating around the bush.
“Rose?” he sputters. “Milly’s best friend, Rose?” My brother’s curse echoes through the phone. “How the hell did you end up on St. Bella with Rose?”
“I saw her the day I left Silver Spoon Falls,” I admit. “She fucking stole my heart.” I might sound crazy, but my brother should understand. He fell for Milly the first time they met. “When I got home, I had Forrest find out everything about her and started planning this. I came up with the bogus contest to get her here.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Damien doesn’t sound too shocked or pissed off. “The goddamn Silver Spoon Falls water claimed another victim.” Giant explained to me that all the residents believe there’s something in the town’s water that causes men to fall head over heels for their soulmates. I don’t really believe the rumor, but I’m not going to complain since I found my future queen. “Does she know what’s going on?”
“She does,” I reassure him. “And I’m pretty sure she feels the same about me. We’re going to stay here for two weeks and get to know each other. Then I’m taking her back to Belldonnia. You can break the news to your wife.”
“You motherfucker,” my younger brother hisses. “I can’t believe your fucking situation is going to bite me in the ass.”
“Oops,” I joke and hang up, knowing my brother will do whatever it takes to smooth this over with his wife.
“I take it you were talking to Damien.” My rose bud walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. I jump when she suddenly pinches my side. “How dare you tell him our plans before you discuss them with me.”
Oh, man. It takes some fancy footwork and a long make-out session before I manage to soothe her ruffled feathers. In the end, we decide to use the two weeks to get to know each other. Rose agrees to come to Belldonnia, but only after she returns to Silver Spoon Falls and works out her notice at the surgeon’s office. I offer to pay him for his inconvenience, but my rose bud refuses. She insists on making things right herself. I’d be proud of her if I wasn’t going to miss her so much.
Chapter 10
The rest of my first real vacation flies by. Before I know it, the time to go back home comes. Lorenzo isn’t crazy about the idea of returning home without me, but I have things to do in Silver Spoon Falls before I can move to Belldonnia permanently.
We had originally planned for Lorenzo to fly with me to Texas to celebrate Christmas. He intended to stay for a few days cutting our time apart way down. Unfortunately, one of his uncle’s rebels ruins our plans when he takes all the employees of a government office hostage. Lorenzo is needed in Belldonnia to deal with the catastrophe, so I end up flying back to Texas with Dalton, my new bodyguard, while Lorenzo heads straight to Belldonnia.
“I can’t believe you’re going to abandon me,” Milly whines again. Since she picked me and Dalton up at the airport an hour ago, my best friend has been giving me a hard time. We headed straight to my apartment on the edge of town since I’m about to crash hard from jet lag.
“I’m not abandoning you,” I tell her and watch Dalton fake coughing behind his fist to hide the smile breaking out across his face. Princess is tired of being ignored, and my massive Rottweiler puppy jumps up on my lap and licks my face. “You’re a freaking princess with servants and a husband who adores you,” I remind Milly as the dog settles across my lap.
“But you’re my best friend.” She glares at me while Damien wraps his arms around her hugely pregnant body.
“Let’s go home, peach. Rose is about to fall asleep standing.” Milly opens her mouth to argue, but Damien places his finger across her lips. “I promise to make you feel better.” A blush spreads across my friend’s face as she melts against her husband. “You can give Rose hell again tomorrow.”