Page 94 of Cold Hearted Casanova
He frowned. “I say I need to see what you packed first. You’re very good at making gross food—no offense.”
I shot him a scowl. “Sandwiches.”
“With carbs? And meat? Andflavor?” He squinted suspiciously.
“A breadless lettuce sandwich for me and a normal wheat sandwich for you. With salami and cheddar and plenty of sodium and cholesterol.”
Riggs nodded. “You speak my love language.”
But when we sat down with our sandwiches, the great vibe we had going all day was gone.
“So, you planning on going back home for a visit soon? Take advantage of your vacation?” Riggs took a bite.
“Hmm, no.”
I ducked my head and blushed.
“Right. Money.” He said the word like it was dirty.
“Actually, notjustmoney,” I said. “I can’t leave the US while my visa application is processing.”
Which was a shame, because I missed my family dreadfully.
“Any other summer plans?” he probed.
“Not really.” I nibbled on my iceberg lettuce, which had veggies, tofu, and quinoa inside it. “I should probably start working on my contacts in the city, though. Put myself out there.”
“Find another rich groom to lock down?” he asked wryly.
I ignored his jab.
“Might get a facial next week. I have an unused voucher.” I shrugged, staring at my food dispassionately.
He scratched his head. I looked everywhere but at him. After two full minutes of silence, he snapped.
“Okay, can you tell me what the fuck happened between my saving your ass and you acting like I pushed you to your death? Because Iknowyou’re not this boring.”
“How do you know?” I challenged, annoyed that he’d called me out on my childish behavior.
“Because”—he let out an exasperated growl—“you’re the only woman in the world I like to speak with. And before you call me a pig, I don’t like talking to men either. So just tell me what I need to apologize for and we’ll call it a fucking day. I don’t wanna hear about yourfacials.”
I stared at him, miserable. I wanted to ask about Gretchen, but I knew the wrong answer would leave me agonized. BJ cheating was bad enough, but Riggs ... I mean, no need to pile on the bad news.
“Nothing.” I pursed my lips.
“Spill it or you’re fired,” he said with a straight face.
“You can’t fire me—the day’s almost over.”
“Fine. Then forget about tomorrow. I’ll give the job to somebody else.”
“You don’t know anyone else who needs the money.” Oddly, his friends were really rich.
“Charlie,” he said.
Shoot.Charlie would love tagging along with Riggs.Double shoot.I hadn’t checked on him, even though I’d been meaning to.