Page 79 of Cold Hearted Casanova
“What?” His eyes flared. “No, no. This has nothing to do with Shelby. She and I are grand.”
“What’s happening?” I scowled. “Last time you looked unsure and nervous, you shat your trousers, Kier.”
“First of all, it was ashart. Somewhere in between. And it was a Portuguese buffet, Duffy. I needed to make sure I had a taste of everything.” He scrubbed his stubble. “Ah, fuck. I do have bad news, though.”
“What happened?” I demanded.
His eyes—purple like mine—were swimming with trepidation.
“So . . . it’s about BJ.”
I pressed my lips together, waiting for more. Kieran blinked rapidly. He was trying to find the right words, and I knew then and there that there weren’t any.
“Duffy, he’s an eejit.”
“What did he do?” For an unexplained reason, I was feeling much better knowing this wasn’t about Kieran running into trouble.
“—literally the dumbest bloke I’ve ever met in my life.”
“Kieran.”My voice was tinged with edge.
“—almost think it’s a crime to mix our prime DNA with his if you ever get married.”
“Kieran!” I snapped.
“Okay, okay.” He raised his hands in the air. “So, last night before I logged off for the day, I checked my laptop to see if maybe Shelby answered.” He was studying me very carefully, as if I was about to burst into flames. “She didn’t, by the way, which is a whole other story. Did I tell you I spoke to Riggs about her? He rang the day after you and I had the conversation. Thought I should ask her out next time I see her at the newsagents’. But how would I know when she—”
“Holy ADHD, Kieran, just finish your story.”
“Right, right, right. Where were we?”
“You operating a laptop,” I groaned.
“Yes! So, there were eight emails from BJ.”
“Eight?”My jaw dropped. BJ was a one-syllable texter.
“Weird, innit?” He nodded. “They were all on the same thread.”
“Well ... what did they say?”
“I’ll just forward them to you.”
My mobile pinged with an incoming email. I opened it.
—————Forwarded message————-
From: Brendan Abbott
Date: Wed, September 28
To: Kieran Markham
Kane, my dude, where u @? I’m so drnk.
Kane, u still here? did u catch a cab bck?