Page 133 of Cold Hearted Casanova
“OUT!” I pointed at the door.
He scurried away like a rat, leaving me to collapse on the floor.
Emmett: I saw that you put in a request to cover the Sri Lankan economic crisis. That’s two months in South Asia.
Riggs: Really? I thought I could do it remote from my local Starbucks.
Emmett: Thought you were all loved up with Desiree McFake.
Riggs: We ran into a crisis.
Emmett: Ran is the right word. That was quick.
Riggs: You’re a little too smug about this for my liking. Wanna bet I can ruin your marriage in less than an hour if I put my mind to it?
Emmett: Not funny.
Riggs: Not kidding. Give me the Sri Lanka assignment. I want to get out of here.
It was time to cut the cord.
If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that if I got attached to someone, they’d end up leaving.
Hell, people Ihadn’thad the chance to get attached to had left me. Giving Daphne Markham a chance was going to completely annihilate me.
And I’d seen her face. All flushed and rosy when I walked in on her with Cocksucker.
Yeah, I wasn’t going to get my heart broken by my wife.
No matter the price.
House Rules
No pets
No hookups
No fraternizing with your spouse
Someone had crossed the no-hookups rule. And that someone wasn’t me.
Riggs didn’t believe me when I said BJ and I were over.
He didn’t return home that night, or the night after that. I tried to burn time by visiting Charlie, who seemed reluctant to provide any details regarding his showdown with Riggs, and with Laura. But for the most part I was alone, as I had been for years, ever since I’d moved to New York for BJ.
Thing was, I’d neverfeltthe loneliness. It simply existed alongside me, like an ugly painting you get used to. Not this time. This time, thefeeling was big, and vast, and took over the entire flat. It suffocated me when I was awake, pressed against my chest when I was asleep.
I wanted to call him. To reach out. It wasn’t my pride that stopped me. It was the notion that I didn’t stand a chance. Riggs still saw me as the superficial gold digger he’d met at Gretchen’s flat all those weeks ago. He wasn’t going to change his mind. We were done.
And still. The thought he was somewhere else, likely in another woman’s bed, made my stomach roll. He owed me nothing, and me? I wanted everything.