Page 16 of Dark Mafia Villains
“Yes, sir. And Marco, don’t hurt my sister or you will find out how far I will go to protect my family.”
I grin. “Haven’t I taught you not to make promises you can’t keep?”
I end the call and slip my phone into my pocket.
“Think he’s serious?” Alaric’s eyes damn near glitter with malice as he watches Nyx still kicking at the back windows of our Escalade. The sick SOB is probably thinking of fifty different ways he can fuck with Wolfe and just thought of one. He walks up, snaps a pic and I already know he’s sending it to Wolfe.
Alaric’s phone immediately rings, but he only smiles and pockets the device.
“For her sake, I hope he’s talking out of his ass.” I would hate to kill our best enforcer, but no one will keep me from possessing Nyx Carter. Not even God.
Arrogant does not even begin to describe these three infuriating assholes.
I fight against my restraints but the ties on my wrists and my ankles only grow tighter the harder I pull.
I huff and blow at strands of hair falling over my face. “Let me go you sadistic fucks!”
“Now why would we do that when you look so pretty spread out over our bed?”
I tug at all four bindings. “Because this is kidnapping, and you know it. Don’t you have any regard for the law? Just let me go and I won’t tell a soul anything. I swear.” The Lords don’t know about the memory chip in my phone. I don’t think. The only thing they are after is the video.
“I can delete the video. You’ll be able to see I haven’t sent it to anyone.” I’m getting better at delivering believable lies.
All three men stand at the foot of the bed, their arms crossed over the wide expanse of their chests looking smug as hell. My phone is on the bed beside me. If I could only get a little slack, I might be able to reach it. And do what? Call for help? Who would I call? The little trick I did back at the club didn’t work. They didn’t seem too worried about me sending off their murder video to anyone.
“Liar.” Ryth’s teeth grind together, and I can tell instantly he doesn’t like people not telling him the full truth and only the truth. “What did I tell you about that?”
I shake my head. “No, I promise,” I say fiercely. I need them to believe me. It’s the only way I get out of this. Wolfe needs me to survive so I can do everything in my power to help him. These fuckers know where he is. I just need them to confess.
I inhale. Hold. And release slowly. Maybe I need to change tactics. They obviously don’t want to kill me, or I would be rolled in a tarp right now, not in their bed.
Alaric spreads his large body out at my side and starts drawing tiny circles over my bare abdomen. His scent comes with him of course. Why does he have to smell so damn good? I draw in a breath and memorize every nuance. Nothing woodsy. Not this city man. He smells of energy, power, and desire.
Tendrils of lust drape over me with his nearness and I feel the blanket come alive with electricity.
He murmurs something I can’t make out but the way his eyes drift to mine and hold I get the feeling he’s not left untouched by whatever is happening between us either.
All while his friends look on. I’ve never had an audience before, but I don’t think that is what is going on here.
My white sweater has ridden up and exposed a lot of inches for his curious touch to explore. My skin quivers and the air in my lungs can’t decide if it wants to stay in or rush out in one long sigh.
“Nyx Carter,” he says in a smooth voice that makes my face warm. “How many lies are you willing to tell us to get what you want?”
“So, you know my name.” I don’t know why I am surprised.
“We’ve always known it and more. So much more,” Marco says dryly. He tilts his head, studying my face.
“What the hell does that mean?”
Ryth narrows his eyes at me, a dark smile on his lips. “Nyx Carter. Born New Year’s Eve on the backroads of Texas in the back seat of an old Buick as your father raced to get your mother to the hospital. The poor days before they hit it big with their real estate company. One half-brother, Wolfe. Currently in our employ. You spent eleven years in foster care and the last four jumping from job to job. You finally landed two you seem to like that pay well. Am I wrong so far?”
I shake my head and connect the dots. My brother isn’t as good at keeping me hidden as he thought.
“Did you know who I was this whole time?”