Page 44 of The Clients (Forbidden Fantasies 5)
My eyes land on the extravagant emerald necklace perched on my vanity. Seeing its pretty green facets reflected in the sunlight, new tears pour from my eyes. But it doesn’t matter. It was all an illusion, this gem included.
With one last sob, I leave the room, closing the door firmly behind me.
It takes me several minutes to leave the property, but no one stops me or even seems to notice me walking away. There’s a bus station about a mile from the house, and as soon as I’m off the grounds, I pick up my pace.
Luckily, I reach the little depot just as the bus is pulling up. Quickly I purchase a ticket and climb aboard, finding a seat toward the back and away from the other passengers.
As the bulky vehicle winds it’s way back into the city, I press my forehead against the cool glass window and ponder my situation.
I know that my apartment in Manhattan is still mine, and that’s a small comfort. I don’t know when Tom and Gabriel are going to realize I’m gone, but I hope they show mercy. They’ve been paying my rent, and surely, they wouldn’t tell the landlord to kick me out now, would they?
But what if they do? What if they storm into my apartment and evict me themselves? What would happen then?
Do I want them to come after me? I ask myself, unsure of what I want the answer to be.
A couple of hours later, the pretty manicured yards of Long Island give way to the impressive skyline that is Manhattan. I stare at the different skyscrapers, feeling suddenly small and insignificant and completely alone.
It takes another half hour before I reach the familiar building that is my run-down apartment complex. Slowly, I trudge my way up the stairs to the third floor.
I stand outside my door for a few minutes, dreading the fact that I have to return to this miserable existence.
Sighing deeply, I turn the key and step inside. The little studio is exactly as I’d left it – small, squalid, and shabby.
I drop my duffel bag on the floor by the door and then sit down hard on my bed.
And for the first time since reading the article about Tom and Gabriel and their stunning wives, I let myself cry again, my tears dripping down my face and onto my lap.
What am I going to do? What am I going to do? I repeat to myself, rocking my body gently to and fro.
Outside the dust-caked windows, the sun is shining brightly overhead. But despite the early hour, I climb under my bedcovers and go to sleep, sobbing as the darkness overtakes me.15TomInside the large conference room, I watch as Gabriel paces back and forth. This is his method of controlling his frustration.
“You’re going to put a hole in the carpet,” I growl. Then again, I’m antsy too.
“Yeah, sorry.” He stops walking for a moment and leans against the far wall. “I can’t believe we’re still dealing with this shit.”
“I know, but hopefully this is the last time.”
Gabriel nods, processing to my words. “You think so? Really?”
It’s my turn to nod. “Yeah, I think so, little brother.”
I smile at my handsome younger sibling because this last year has been difficult for both of us. We came to the city to finish some business, and it was appalling, to put it lightly. The only good part is that it’s done now.
“God, what time is it?” Gabriel asks as he looks out the window overlooking the Manhattan skyline. “It’s pitch black outside.”
I glance at my watch. “Almost nine o’clock.” I groan. “Oh no. I forgot to text Michelle earlier, at lunch. I bet she’s going to be pissed.”
“Or worried.” Gabriel frowns, “I don’t know that I’ve ever really seen her angry. Should I send her a message now?”
“Yeah – oh crap. I don’t have service up here. Do you?”
Gabriel looks at his phone and shakes his head. “Nope.”
“All this money we give to this damn firm, and you’d think they could afford to have cell service in their conference rooms.” I run my hand through my short hair, annoyed at how long this meeting is taking and that I can’t send Michelle a simple text to apologize for not being home yet. “What do they think this place is? Fort Knox? The FBI?”
Gabe merely shrugs.
“Heavy walls will do that. Some of these old buildings basically are Fort Knox with all the concrete they have going on.”
I shake my head at Gabriel, but don’t answer.
He’s right. It’s been almost a year and I can’t believe this whole mess is just now being wrapped up. What a clusterfuck.
I know I should stay calm, but I’m struggling to do so, and not for the reasons my brother thinks.
He’s assuming it’s because I want to be done with these proceedings and he’s not wrong. I do want the ink to be dry on my divorce papers because my ex-wife is a hag with a bad personality. But it’s more than that. It’s because of Michelle that I really want to put all of this behind me. Because as soon as it’s resolved, I can turn all of my attention to her, to making and keeping her happy, and to seeing where this unexpected love affair might be going.