Page 39 of The Clients (Forbidden Fantasies 5)
13Michelle“You guys, you cannot buy me this.” Standing together in the opulent jewelry store, I stare at the stunning piece with equal parts desire and disbelief.
“And why can’t we?” Gabriel teases, enjoying my stupor.
“Yes, enlighten us,” Tom quips, also reveling in my shock.
“It’s too expensive.” I offer. “Too fancy. Too everything.”
“We’re rich,” one brother counters. “We can afford it.”
“It’s too decadent,” I insist.
“You’ve just never owned anything like this, that’s all,” the other Costas brother retorts.
I sigh, knowing that I’m never going to win this argument.
I bend over the counter so I can inspect the delicate piece even more closely, and gasp at its breathtaking beauty. The necklace is one of the most stunning pieces of jewelry I have ever seen, and I noticed it immediately upon entering the store. And because Tom and Gabriel tend to notice everything I do, they too, noticed the necklace and my immediate attraction to it.
Made up of a sturdy gold chain and dozens of tiny, round emeralds, what makes the piece truly stunning is the large, drop-style emerald at the base of the necklace. The effect is jaw-dropping, and the gemstone flawless.
I shake my head. I can’t let them buy me this.
But I know better than to argue out loud, especially when the brothers know that I like something. I smile at the decadent necklace, amused at how spoiled I’ve become over these past few months.
“So you do like it?” Tom’s strong voice interrupts my thoughts.
I can’t help but grin, truly in awe of the fancy piece resting on the velvet display. “Yes,” I finally admit. “I love it.”
“It’s settled then.” He and Gabriel each smile at me. To the salesman, Tom states, “Add it to the account.”
“Very good, sir,” the groveling salesman responds, clearly pleased to have made such a massive sale with little to no fuss.
“She’ll wear it out,” Gabriel insists.
I start to protest, but it’s too late. Gabriel is already fastening the delicate piece onto my neck.
I reverently touch the drop gemstone resting against my clavicle.
“It’s too much,” I whisper.
“No such thing as too much for you, sweetheart,” Tom whispers back. “Hmm,” he croons into my ear, “we may have to see you wear this and nothing else this evening.”
I smile widely even as a knowing blush sweeps across my cheeks.
These men are insatiable, I think with delight. Sometimes, we do indulge in some taboo roleplay, and it always involves clearing out the staff first so that they don’t get an eyeful of something that wasn’t meant for them to see. But I admit that I love being with my men. I love letting Gabe and Tom assess my curves, nude and lush, at the dinner table or anywhere else in the mansion they please.
Now, as we sit together in the limo, I let my mind wander while gently fingering the giant gem.
Over these past few months, I’ve gotten to know Tom and Gabriel even more and I’m convinced that I’m falling love with them, each in his own way.
Tom is serious, thoughtful, and the more reserved of the two brothers. Always sensitive to my needs and wants, the older Costas serves as the rock of our little trio. By contrast, Gabriel is light-hearted and easygoing, and is always looking for ways to make me laugh.
I look out of the corner of my eye at the two men – Gabriel lost in a magazine article and Tom scrolling through email on his phone. I can’t help but smile at the two gorgeous men, wondering how on earth I got so lucky to meet them. They look exactly like what they are: huge, confident, incredibly successful, and always available to satisfy my needs.
My musings are interrupted by Tom.
“Dammit brother, it looks like we’ll need to come back into the city tomorrow.” He passes his phone to his brother, presumably so he can read a message.
“Shit,” Gabe answers and groans.
“Is everything okay?” I ask, slightly worried by their dramatic reactions. They’re not usually so demonstrative. If anything, business is easy for them, and they’re usually able to handle tricky situations with a tap of their phones.
“Everything will be fine,” Tom tells me in a distracted voice. Gabriel just rests his head in his hands and groans again.
“Gabriel seems to disagree,” I retort lightheartedly. Tom glances at his brother and shakes his head.
“He’s just prone to theatrics,” he says and shrugs.
I laugh and shake my head at the brothers. If they say everything is fine then it probably is, I console myself. Don’t go poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.
“Should we stay in the city tonight?” Gabriel asks from behind his hands.
“And miss out on seeing Michelle in that necklace and nothing but that necklace?” Tom looks at me appreciatively. “No way.”
I roll my eyes at his devilish grin and go back to staring out the window.