Page 30 of The Clients (Forbidden Fantasies 5)
“More than liked it,” she smiles sleepily up at me. “I loved it.”
“Good,” I answer. “Because there’ll be a lot more of it in your future.”
Michelle wiggles a bit with excitement, and Tom grabs her hips and growls, “Seriously, stop or round two will be coming a lot sooner than you think.”
With a giggle, Michelle immediately stops moving. She enjoys teasing but also knows that Tom’s threat is real. Finally, she settles in again with a sigh, her curves pressed up against both of us. My brother smoothes a tender kiss against her bare backside while she sleepily reaches for me, our bodies creating a warm bubble against the chilly night air.
One by one, we each drift off into a deep, dreamless sleep. I’m the last to fully close my eyes, and as I do, I find my mind filled with images of Michelle and just how much I’m already starting to need her.10MichelleThe midday sun shines overhead, warming my shoulders and back while I dangle my feet in the cool pool water.
It’s been a little over a week since I arrived at the Costas mansion, and I’m starting to enjoy my newfound life a little too much. Sitting on the wicker table next to me is a strawberry daiquiri, a floppy hat, and an autographed novel by my favorite romance writer.
I smile as I lean back to let the hot rays warm my face. I do not miss my former Tuesday routine at all, I observe languidly.
On a normal Tuesday, in my life B.C. – which stands for Before Costas – I would have spent my 11:30 lunch break filing papers, running errands, or frantically rewriting briefs. I would have been stuck sitting at my uncomfortable desk in a frumpy suit, fighting headaches brought on by my former boss’s incessant yelling and poor fluorescent lighting.
I look down at my skimpy bathing suit, which is a myriad of bright colors. I flick my carefully manicured fingers through the dazzling pool water. Then, I lean back against the cozy poolside chair, soft against my nearly bare back.
No, I don’t miss that life at all.
I won’t lie. There has been a bit of adjustment to my lifestyle. I’m not used to such lavish treatment and being taken care of, like I’m a porcelain doll. For one, the Costas brothers are incredibly generous and they seem to get angry if I turn down their pampering. I’ve had to learn over the past few days that they get what they want, and what they want is to spoil me rotten.
But the level of their generosity is astonishing. Since my arrival last Sunday, I have had five professional massages, one blow-out, three at-home spa treatments, a daily mani-pedi, and – perhaps the biggest adjustment of all – sex with Tom and Gabriel every night and, more often than not, every morning too.
I squirm a little as I think about some of the various encounters with the two powerful men. Their tastes range from gentle to wild, and I’ve learned more in one week than I imagine most people learn in a lifetime.
I shake my head.
It’s not just about great sex and spa treatments, I admit. There’s something else too. Something real.
It’s because the two men treat me with respect and kindness. Every afternoon, when the Costases come back from working in the city, we spend time as a group, getting to know one another on emotional levels. I’ve learned that Gabriel had a bad motorcycle accident a few years ago, and that Tom took over the company at only twenty-two, following the death of their dad. Each brother is funny, kind, and charming in his own way, and I can’t help that I’m starting to develop feelings for them.
I smile wryly. Don’t go catching feelings, I chide myself. While I can tell that the two men enjoy my company just as equally as I do theirs, I’m wary.
Sighing, I stand up, pulling my now-chilly legs from the pool. I drape a towel over the chaise lounge chair and plop onto the comfy surface. There are any number of activities for me to enjoy at the mansion, but basking in the sun with a good book has easily become one of my favorite pastimes.
Contentedly, I stretch out on the chair and let the warm rays do their work to heat up my frozen lower half. My hand drifts to my latest novel called Through the Open Window by my favorite author, Jodi Kellogg. It’s about a girl who falls in love with two men during the Victorian era. It’s scandalous, and I used to adore ménage romances where the heroine takes multiple heroes every which way. But now I know that real life is a hundred times better and if anything, some of the scenes in the book are tame compared to what I’ve experienced with Gabriel and Tom.