Page 2 of The Clients (Forbidden Fantasies 5)
I, on the other hand, look like I belong in a boring office with boring clothes and boring stories. I’ve been told I’m pretty, but most days I don’t feel that way. I have long, wild brown that never cooperates. Currently, I have it pulled back in a messy bun, but my worn-out hair-tie barely contains it. My eyes, while a nice shade of brown, always feel dull when I compare them to June’s sparkly green ones. Her makeup looks professional, while I’m just happy I managed to put my eyeliner on straight this morning.
And whereas June is rail thin, I have thick, full curves. In a well-fitted dress, I’d say that I have a good figure, and I truly like my curves. But sitting here in my boxy, ill-fitting suit, I feel frumpy next to my sylphlike friend. I can’t help but feel a prickle of envy, despite really liking June as a person.
“So what happened last night?” I ask her good-naturedly, flashing her a smile. I might as well enjoy her outrageous story before the storm starts.
“Well,” she smiles again, her whole face lighting up. “I finally did it – I went out with that guy I met at the coffee shop last week!”
“Wow!” I’m genuinely surprised by this news. June is known for being notoriously picky about whom she dates.
Must be nice to be able to be picky. Then I chide myself. Stop, Michelle. Don’t be bitter. I turn my focus back to the chatty blonde.
“Well, I know I said there was no way I’d date a guy who wore white sneakers, but I decided to do a little research and turns out he’s a lot hotter than that stupid gym outfit let on.”
I laugh at June’s rationalization. “Let me guess, you stalked his social media.”
June nods furiously and then laughs, too. “I know, I know it sounds shallow, but it’s just so annoying to date guys who aren’t in my league. I mean, you know what I’m talking about.”
I smile at my friend’s well-meaning words, but I don’t take them to heart. June and I are in two very different leagues, I think, trying not to feel too hostile. She can literally refuse anyone, and they’ll still pursue her, whereas I…
June’s perky voice interrupts my musings. I try to pay better attention to her dating saga.
“So I decided, what the heck. Worst that can happen is that it’s one date, one night of my life. Besides, he’s freaking gorgeous, so if it’s horrible, at least I can just stare at a hot guy all night. I really couldn’t see the harm in that.” She grins devilishly.
“But again, let me guess. He’s also rich.”
“Yes!” June nearly squeals. “He’s an investment banker and super generous and he was really sweet, asking questions to try and get to know me. It might be love,” the pretty blonde sighs, and I can’t help but shake my head at her.
“June, you know I adore you, but you fall in love like once a week.”
June purses her lips in a pout. “I know, I know. It’s just that, Michelle, his abs. Like, I wanted to lick melted ice cream off of them.” She falls back in the chair dramatically.
“Well, I hope it works out for you,” I respond neutrally.
“You mean me licking ice cream off his godlike body?” June winks at me.
“Ha! No. Well, if that’s what you want.” I shrug sassily. God, I wish I had a rich, handsome guy with cut abs to lick. That would be amazing.
“Okay spill, enough about me. Why are you so gloomy this morning? Aside from the boss being a snake.” June kicks her feet up, a concerned look on her otherwise lovely face.
I smile unconvincingly. “Oh it’s nothing. Just work stuff.”
“Michelle, all you do is talk about work.” She crosses her arms and leans back again in her chair. “What about your dating life? Did you sign up for those apps like I told you to?”
I shake my head, feeling silly. “I thought about it. I even took some selfies. But I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know?” June grills me. She really isn’t going to let this go, is she?
“Okay, fine. I did sign up. And a couple of weeks ago, I went on a date. It was supposed to be short, since we both had other commitments that night. So we agreed to go get coffee, maybe for an hour.” I sigh, not wanting to share the story with June, but also feeling some relief that I have someone to talk to about it.
“Coffee is a great place to start!” June nods enthusiastically at me. “That’s how I met my current guy.”
I shake my head ruefully.
“Yeah, in theory. But then he didn’t show up. Or at least, I thought he didn’t show up.” I cringe, still upset even thinking about the moment.