Page 80 of Professor and the Seer
Mom’s lips turned down. “Oh, dear. That’s not good.”
“What’s this mean for Dina and Enyo?”
“That they’ll be fighting a woman with god powers without their powers.”
“We have to help them.” I wouldn’t stand by while they got slaughtered.
“They’ll be in the throne room, but I don’t know what you think you can do,” Bacchus said.
“More than you can imagine.”
My mom glanced at me, and a devious smile tugged her lips. “You’ve seen a path through this.”
I’d seen hundreds, each of them with a slightly different outcome. “I did, but with the magic down, I don’t see shit.”
“You let me worry about that,” Mom stated. “Just be ready to act.”
As if I could be anything but.
Bacchus led the way, Mom by his side murmuring to him.
My mom, a goddess who used to clean up puke when we got the flu.
“Are you okay?” John asked.
“No. What were you thinking coming here?” I chided.
“As if I wouldn’t come to your rescue,” was his wry reply.
I sighed. “I wanted you safe.”
“Funny, because I want the same thing for you.”
I glanced at him. “It’s a good thing I love you, or I’d be really pissed right about now.”
“Says the woman who made a deal with Reaper to be bait.”
“In my defense, I was saving your life at the time. And speaking of whom, where is Reaper?”
John shrugged. “Haven’t seen him since his smoky ass followed us through the portal.”
“Odd. I assumed he had a plan. He seemed to think once he knew where to find Ariadne, he could handle her.”
“Then let’s hope he wasn’t being cocky because shit’s about to get ugly.” A warning I didn’t need as we exited the tower stairwell to see an army of minotaurs waiting.
Bacchus turned to us with apology on his face. “Sorry, I have no choice. Not while I wear this.” He tugged at the collar.
Mom patted his arm. “As if I didn’t know you’d betray us. I forgive you.”
Ugh. I just about choked. Why was she being so nice when he’d just marched us into the paws—or was it the hooves?—of the enemy?
We were escorted into the throne room. No point in fighting, given how outnumbered we were, plus John didn’t have his magic. But I had to wonder about my mom. She was a goddess. Did the restriction apply to her too?
It certainly hit my sisters, judging by their malcontent. They stood with annoyed expressions by the dais. I didn’t see Bane, though.
Good. His lack of presence knocked out a chunk of visions, leaving a narrower choice of paths. I just had to be careful with my choices.
Ariadne remained on her throne, looking smug. Why wouldn’t she? She had us all gathered, weak without our magic. Or were we…?