Page 62 of Professor and the Seer
“She’s a thief,” grumbled Reaper. “And a coward who keeps herself well hidden.”
“You want me to find her.” A strange conversation to be having while the world remained paused around us.
“And how am I supposed to do that when you can’t?” I pointed out the obvious.
“She wants you. If you were to be captured—”
I couldn’t help but interrupt. “You want to give me to your enemy?”
“It is the quickest solution. She takes you, and then I follow the trail.”
“What if you lose it?”
“I will track you via my mark.”
“What if she camouflages it somehow?” I poked holes in his plan because the idea of being bait? Terrifying.
“Then you, as modern humans say, will be screwed.”
“Way to sell it. Not.” My lips turned down. “Surely there’s another way?”
“I am open to suggestions.” He spread his arms, and I noticed the rain didn’t soak his cloak one bit.
“And if I say no?”
He glanced at the minotaur swinging at John, released him for a second, and I watched my lover barely avoid getting his guts torn out of him.
Time paused again.
I swallowed. “If I agree, you promise he won’t die?”
“Say the word and I will ensure your professor survives this attack.”
“And what of me? When am I going to be set out as bait?”
“As soon as I am done here.”
That quickly? I wanted one last moment in John’s arms before I agreed to this crazy plan. A plan there was no avoiding. I couldn’t keep dodging monsters or this evil lady who wanted me. At least if I worked with Reaper, he’d put an end to her shenanigans.
Assuming he won.
“I will help you, but not today. I want to see John safe before I ditch him for your vendetta.”
“Very well. I will fetch you before the dawn.”
Despite all my misgivings, I held out my hand. “Deal.”
To my surprise, his hand emerged from his robe to clasp mine. It was normal looking, if large, and his grip firm. The brief shake left me with one image.
My sister, Dina, looking like the goddess of war, given she wore all black and wielded a sword of lightning.
I blinked, and the image was gone, as was Reaper. Time started again, the roar of monsters drowning out John’s grunts of exertion. For a second, I thought Reaper had lied to me. He wasn’t going to save John. My lover hit the ground, and only the shield of magic around him stopped a killing blow.
“You promised to help!” I yelled assuming Reaper would take over my body again.
Instead, lightning struck.