Page 81 of Alpha King
“You’re so afraid everyone will think you’re weak, Abe,” I say to his back.
He doesn’t turn but others stop to listen to me. They want to know what I dare say to their king.
“Well, you are weak. You’re so afraid of showing who you really are to the people around you, and it makes you the biggest coward in this school.”
He rounds the bend without ever looking back.
I blink rapidly, fighting the hot tears threatening behind my eyes.
Rayne appears at my elbow, her expression wide and concerned. “You okay?” she murmurs, taking my arm and pulling me in the opposite direction of Abe.
“No.” I fight down the swell of emotion choking me. “But I will be.” I square my shoulders and hold my head up high as I march out the school.
I don’t need Abe Oakley.
I have me now.
He and all his alpha-hole friends can go screw themselves.
I’m officially done.
I shake the crowd by heading into the locker room, even though we don’t have practice today because of the game tonight.
I just fucked up. Big time.
It takes me a few minutes to realize the reason my heart is pounding, and I’m cold with dread. It’s not because the whole school just saw me have some kind of seizure. It’s not because a human just called me a coward in front of everyone.
It’s because I hurt Lauren.
The moment I pull my head out of my ass, I run out the doors toward the parking lot. “Lauren!” I spot her getting into the passenger side of the Tesla.
She tosses her copper hair and slams the door shut.
I drop my backpack and run toward the car. I need to fix this before it’s too late.
The bile in my throat tells me that ship has sailed, though.
The Tesla is exiting the parking lot. I sprint toward it, reaching just as they get to the gate. “Lauren!” I thump the back of the car with my hand, like tagging it will somehow make them stop.
Lincoln and Lauren both completely ignore me. Lincoln hits the accelerator, and the Tesla shoots out of the gates, zipping into traffic and leaving me standing on the corner, panting.
I pull my phone out of my pocket, but I can’t text because I can’t see a damn thing. Pain stabs through my head. The sunlight hurts my eyes.
My wolf is howling inside me. Howling at me for letting her get away. For damaging what we had.
I am the biggest asshole on campus.
It’s honestly not something I was ever proud of. I considered it an act, something separate from my real self, but today it feels true.
“Dude, what happened back there?” Asher appears at my elbow.
I double over in pain. I can’t have another seizure. I need to get to Lauren and fix this.
“Fuck. Should I call your dad?”