Page 70 of Alpha King
“Ooh, that’s far. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. He’s going to finish out this year and then see if he can transfer to ASU, where I’m planning to go next year. How about you? Did you break up with your man?”
“Yep. We ended it. It was awkward as hell. But he and Lincoln drove down to ASU after Homecoming and apparently hooked up with college girls, so all good now.”
“Oh wow. And you were fine with this?”
Lincoln darts a glance at me. He and I haven’t talked about the fact that Abe drove me home that night and what happened afterward. He’s giving me privacy.
“Totally fine. It was a relief, actually.”
“And how was the rest of your night?” Lincoln asks.
“Uneventful,” I say firmly to cut off further inquiry. “Did you hear the wolves after the Homecoming dance?” I ask Rayne. “It sounded like a whole pack of them.”
“Oh, really? No, I didn’t hear anything.”
“You’ve seen them before, though, right?” I ask, trying to sound casual.
Rayne blinks her big blue eyes and takes a long moment to swallow her food. “Um, yeah. I’ve seen wolves a few times.”
“How about bears?”
She raises her brows. “No. Why? Did you see one?”
I nod. “Our dad claims there was one on our property. So we’ve had wolves and bears. I’m starting to think the animals in this town are trying to run us off.”
Rayne chokes on her food.
And that’s my answer. She’s definitely one of them. So she’s probably unpopular because she’s small and unathletic. Something about the pack order.
“We need to get rid of that shotgun Dad bought,” Lincoln mutters darkly.
A chill rushes over my skin. “You’re right.” It’s not just Abe’s life that might be at risk with my dad owning a gun. By the way Rayne’s eyes round in dismay, I deduce that Lincoln’s told her about our dad’s attempted suicide.
“How do you safely get rid of a gun?” I muse. “Maybe we just hide it somewhere in the house.”
“Yeah,” Lincoln agrees. “I’ll put it under my bed or something. That way, if that wolf comes back, you and I know where it is.”
My stomach knots up at the thought of Lincoln taking a shot at Abe. “We don’t even know how to shoot a gun,” I argue.
Lincoln shrugs. “I’d figure it out if I had to.”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll have to,” I say quickly. “I don’t think that wolf is rabid. I think it’s friendly. It’s probably being fed by humans, so it’s not afraid or something.”
Rayne nods. “I agree. I wouldn't worry about wolf attacks. I’ve never heard of anything like that.”
“A wolf literally tried to jump through my sister’s window,” Lincoln says. “It busted the screen open and everything.”
Rayne’s gaze flicks to the table where the alpha-holes sit.
Yep. She’s one of them, and she knows it was Abe.
I’ll have to be extra careful around her. I don’t know if I can trust her not to turn me in if she suspects I know their secret.
And there’s no way in hell I’m ever letting anyone take me near a vampire again. They’d have to kill me first.