Page 6 of Alpha King
Muscles that big can’t be natural on a guy our age.
I’m wondering if there’s a steroid problem here. Some schools struggle with ecstasy. Some with pot. Maybe this one has a real steroid crisis. It would explain the level of aggression and meanness here. Maybe everyone has ‘roid rage.
Oh, damn.
Abe looks up and locks gazes with me. His eyes narrow. His dislike for me is obvious. I can’t decide if it’s because I haven’t thrown myself at his feet like the rest of the girls in this school or because I come from money, and this town is working class.
Honestly, I’m not used to being treated like dog shit on someone’s shoe, which is how Abe acts, but I don’t care.
Making friends here was never a priority.
Now that our gazes have tangled, I refuse to look away. I may not care about ingratiating myself to him, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take any of the crap he throws my way, either.
I purse my lips and stare back, like I just ate something sour.
Abe gets up, and it’s like he’s the king on a throne the way his buddies instantly stand with him. He swaggers in my direction.
“Oh great,” Rayne mutters and ducks her head like she’s bracing for a beat-down.
Lincoln and I aren’t ruffled. Maybe they all hate us because we think we’re better than them, but I guess when it comes to this shit–we are.
Neither of us will ever be intimidated by school bullies. We were the popular kids at Landhower Prep. We’re not about to go down on bended knee to worship these losers.
Abe and two of his friends sit down at our table. He pretends the focus of his interest is Rayne, but I know he’s here to get a rise out of me. “Look at that. The runt finally made another friend.”
It’s a shame he’s so good-looking. It makes it hard to look away.
“Two,” his friend J.J. says, looking between me and Lincoln. “Or do two losers only add up to one?”
Abe slides right up against me, invading my space. I send him my best back-off look, but he only smiles. His teeth are white and perfect, lips far too sensual to belong to such a manly-man. “I didn’t think Pearls would lower herself to make friends in Wolf Ridge.”
Pearls. That’s what he calls me because we’re rich. He’s always making comments about our mansion and the car we drive.
“I’ll bet they go to Homecoming as a threesome. That would be cute, right?” The other guy, Markley, says.
The smile vanishes from Abe’s face. In fact, he suddenly looks downright dangerous. Prickles of warning stand out on my arms, but I can’t figure out what I should be afraid of.
“As long as we’re all there to watch you get crowned king, right?” Rayne tosses back.
His grin returns.
Right. Abe will be Homecoming king. I wonder who his queen will be? Not that I care. I have no plans to go to the dance.
“Pass,” I say. Spending more time with the kids from this school would be nothing but painful.
That flash of irritation crosses Abe’s face again, but he recovers quickly, pasting his shit-eating grin back on. “You know what would be funny?”
“What?” J.J. asks.
“To put these three losers on the ballot.”
“Why?” Markley asks.
I don’t get it. Unless…he really does want me there to see him get crowned.
Maybe the big-shot bully is actually interested in me.