Page 38 of Alpha King
As if I don’t have my own bullshit to spread around and make stick at school. Now I have to figure out how to make his fly, too.
Lauren’s looking my way, too. The moment we lock gazes, it’s like lightning striking my body. My eye starts to twitch.
I quickly look away. I can’t have another episode. Not here. Not in front of everyone, like this.
“Abe, what’s up?” Now Wilde is in my face.
I shake my head, trying to shake off the changes Lauren brought over me.
I shrug, even though he won’t notice the movement under my shoulder pads. “Just fucking around.” I give him my cockiest grin.
He gets in my face. “Well, you look like an asshole. Show a little more grace if you’re going to get knocked to your ass, for fucks’ sake.”
“Come on,” I add a massive dose of swagger to my voice. “That was crazy realistic, was it not?”
J. J. snorts.
“It was.” Markley fist-bumps me as we jog to our positions on the field.
I do my best to amp up the entertainment for the rest of the game–throwing passes that make my teammates have to do semi-miraculous moves to catch and doing back flips when we make a touchdown.
After the game, students congregate outside the bleachers, making their plans. I’m busy posturing to everyone, making sure no one thinks anything is amiss, but all the while I scan the crowd for Lauren.
No dice.
She and her twin seem to have disappeared.
I see Casey Muchmore presiding over a large group of volleyball players and cheerleaders. She glances over at me. I should go over and ask her to Homecoming.
Full disclosure–we’ve hooked up a few times during full moon runs. Her older brother Cole would kick my ass to Kansas if he knew, and their dad would probably straight up murder me. The guy used to drink too much and get violent.
The thing is–I don’t feel bad because I don’t think it means any more to her than it does to me. I think she was curious about sex. So was I.
She was pretty bold about telling me how she wanted it and what she liked. It was fine–I wouldn’t say it rocked either of our worlds. I chalk it up to normal teen experimentation. I never for a moment got the impression that she had any emotional attachment to me or expectation that we be anything to each other at school or elsewhere.
So her looking over at me now is almost out of character. Casey is alpha enough, I’d almost expect her to march over and demand when I’m going to ask her.
Except, she doesn’t. For some reason, I get the feeling she hopes I won’t.
That doesn’t make sense, though. It’s expected for us to go together since we would be Homecoming King and Queen.
Would be if I didn’t now have to figure out how to make Rayne get voted in as queen without losing face with literally everyone.
River, one of the cheerleaders, turns to look at me, too. Casey immediately touches River’s waist in what looks like both a reassuring and possessive touch.
Oh. Don’t know why I didn’t see that in her before. Maybe she already has a hot date to Homecoming.
“Hey Abe, you driving to the mesa?” J.J. asks.
The popular kids head up there post-game to hang out with the she-wolves around a fire for flirting and fooling around.
“I can’t, I’m grounded,” I lie. “I’m on probation for grades again.” That part is true.
“Bummer. Okay, see you later, man.” We fist-bump, and I walk to my Land Rover, scanning the parking lot for a Tesla, even though I know the twins must be long gone.
My dad texts me: I’m waiting.