Page 84 of Forbidden Desire
I’m pretty sure she’d go to bat for all of them because this was just the sort of thing her mom was into fighting, something that whole family was very vocal about. It’s why I’d chosen her. The fact that her name had never been on the list is neither here nor there.
Who in their right mind would add judge Henley’s daughter’s name to a list of girls they were planning to pimp out? No one, unless they were a brain dead dumb fuck, something I’m sure Sherry isn’t. From her records it was obvious that she’d done her research on all the girls she’d chosen for her sick shit and Penny was most definitely not one of them.
But she’s the one that I knew would get the job done. It hadn’t been hard at all to add her name and make that shit look authentic. Though I’m sure Penny would’ve picked up the gauntlet either way. It’s a given that the judge and his wife would go even harder since their precious kid was involved. Ask me if I feel any kind of remorse for my deception. Nope!
Shit hit the fan and flew all over the place., sticking on who it needed to. Turns out, plotting to pimp out a sitting judge’s only daughter doesn’t go over so well with law enforcement types. Add the fact that Penny’s lying ass pulled a fast one and accused Kevin of maybe having tried to dose her once at a party, and things got real real fast. I didn’t know she had it in her.
Imagine my surprise when she called me for a meet and swore me to silence on the topic. Her exact words were, and I quote. ‘My dad is a judge; I know how easy it is for some of these people to get away with shit on a technicality or because some spit shine asshole of a lawyer spins his golden shit to get them off.”
“As long as my dad thinks this kid tried to drug and violate me, there’s no way he’s getting off that easy. You, just look the other way on this one, okay. The objective here is to get them both off the streets, and besides, I’m sure you don’t want Lora to have to face him in court over what he tried to do to her, and we don’t want to force the women he violated to come forward unless they want to. So I’ll take the hit, okay.”
I put up a good front, playing like I wasn’t sure. “Is that even ethical? I mean, if anyone finds out…”
“Don’t be a dork, Tyler, who’s going to find out? We already have more than enough proven cases, even though those girls were too embarrassed to come forward at the time and there’s no real evidence left, my name and my word carry a lot of weight in this town. Let’s see him worm his way out of it the lying perverted sack a dog-shit.”
Oh, you’re pissed, alright, just how I want you. I guess it doesn’t hurt either that this is the platform that you plan to run on in the future. I didn’t say shit out loud, let her think she was twisting my arm. I’ll be sure to keep Lora away from her though, too much exposure, and she might learn to be as big a ball buster as this one.
I left that little meeting feeling lighter than I had in weeks. Now I could focus on Lora and helping her graduate early, which was the only pressing thing on my mind now that things were coming to a head. Paul and Steve have been making their way through the list of names I’d taken from Sherry’s electronic diary.
It wasn’t hard to decipher using the initials she’d used, and once Penny knew I was on that, it freed her up to do other things. It also kept her from involving my girl in bullshit. I don’t want her anywhere near that filthy shit if I can help it, which is why I’d gone to the lengths I had.
It’s not a matter of keeping her sheltered, but more that in my heart and mind, she’d been through enough. I can’t ever forget how skittish she was when she first came to us. How untrusting and wary. Most people might think that she was too old to have been that affected by her parents’ divorce, but you’re never too old to be traumatized by a betrayal like that.
I’m sure she’ll face more harrowing shit in life, but as long as I’m here, I’ll always stand in front of her and bear the brunt of it. That’s why I’m taking her to the campus of the school I’d chosen for us while back home, our town was in an uproar. People were not at all happy that two such predators as Kevin and Sherry had been that close to their kids.