Page 74 of Forbidden Desire
“Who’re they and what do they know? Come here sweetie.” As I took my little sister in my arms I was already pleading to whomever would listen that I only wanted sons.
The room had gone suddenly quiet and I looked around to find both Lora and Justine looking at me with these odd looks on their faces. Justine’s was parental and encouraging, while Lora’s…let’s just say she shouldn’t look at me like that outside of a bed behind closed doors.
“Shh, why are you being so loud?” I stopped moving into her and just rested between her spread thighs with my cock buried to the hilt inside her tight pussy. She smacked my shoulder and glared up at me. I guess I hadn’t done a good enough job of hiding my laughter from her.
“Stop it, Ty.”
“Stop what? What am I doing?” I licked the spot on her neck that I’d just bitten and bit her again as I eased my cock back and slid into her again. She grunted when I hit her spot with the head of my cock, and her pussy leaked juice and squeezed my meat like a vise.
How dare she question me while I was fucking her? All evening I’ve been hot for her, ever since I saw that look on her face in the nursery. I’d barely made it through doing homework because the words all seemed doubled on the page. It could be because she was next to me doing hers, and for some reason, her scent was more permeating than usual and kept fucking with my senses.
All through dinner, I had to keep a tight rein on my senses. I avoided looking at her or touching her even by mistake. There was a heightened sense of awareness that I thought no one else had caught onto until I noticed dad watching me with a smirk on his face. There’s no way he could know, at least that’s what I thought. But that was before he asked me to help him do something in his workshop.
I grew suspicious right away because he never lets anyone in there with his favorite toys and the first words out of his mouth were, ‘we never do anything together anymore, I thought now was as good a time as any for us to spend some father and son time together.’
I squinted at him because we were always doing some shit together at least once every weekend. I’d even asked him this weekend if we shouldn’t take a break since Justine was home with the new baby, and his answer had been that it was her idea not to change things since I might be feeling left out because of my new little sister. Something that had made me snort-laugh at the time.
“What do you want, dad?”
“Okay, you caught me. I just figured I should get you out of the house away from Lora before my house caught on fire. Geez, son, can’t you control yourself?”
“What’re you talking about now?”
“The way you look at her. I know you’ve told her mother and I that you two are a thing but good grief.” He’d laughed his ass off after that, and I’d spent the next few hours trying to exert my energy doing shit that I had no interest in at the time.
As soon as the coast was clear and everyone else had gone to bed, I’d come to her. There hadn’t been much time for foreplay, and when I drove into her, she’d been wet and ready as if she too had been primed all evening. Her pussy felt extra good tonight, and I’d messed around and fucked into her too hard, and had to catch her moans in my mouth.
As soon as her mouth was free, though, she’d asked me about Sherry again. Like what the fuck? I had to find a way to distract her because she seemed to time that shit way too well. Like she’d figured out that once I’m inside her, there’s no way for me to escape and evade her questions.
I know she’d die if they heard us fucking, so I fucked into her even harder, hard enough to rock the bed into the wall, and that’s why she was smacking me now. “I’m sorry, baby I can’t help it.” I snatched her lips with mine again before she got any more bright ideas.
When she wrapped her legs around my ass and clutched at me with her arms, I knew she was no longer interested in Sherry or anything else but what I was doing to her. I was nowhere near ready to cum inside her. I’d waited all evening for this and planned to spend at least an hour fucking her the first time.
But when I released her lips to give her some air, she whispered some shit in my ear that had me looking down at her in shock just seconds before my dick started spitting spunk inside her unprotected cunt. I know it’s not possible, but I’m pretty sure I emptied about a pint in her. She had me so gone that my cock dry heaved inside her when my balls were done, giving up all they had to offer.