Page 71 of Forbidden Desire
“I know a lot, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to tell you that if you buy her way out of it this time, I’ll destroy you. And worse, if she doesn’t pay for her shit, I’ll pay someone good money to make her disappear.”
His eyes damn near popped out of his head, and I’m sure he’s wondering how the hell the kid he’d known as a child got the balls to say that shit to him in his house.
“Why? Didn’t you say that nothing happened this time?”
“But the intent was there, and what’s worst for her is she had Lora’s name on her damn list.”
“Lora, which Lora? Your new stepsister?”
“No, my future wife. I’ve already manipulated the girls she was planning to exploit to file charges against her for conspiracy to commit a crime. I also have the evidence of her past crimes and the names of all the people who weren’t on board with letting her slide the last time you paid off her victims. The statute of limitations is nowhere near expired, and I don’t have to tell you the shit that would rain down on your head if the fact that you bribed her past victims should come to light.”
“You, but why, why would you destroy her life like that? You know, you’re all she talked about before we moved back here? In fact, that was a big part of the reason for her mother and I deciding to come back after years of being gone. I thought it would be good for her. When I look back at your time together as kids, it seems like it’s the only time in her life that she was truly innocent, truly happy.
“I don’t know what goes on in my daughter’s head…”
“Yeah, you do. You knew since the day she threw your wife down a flight of stairs and killed your unborn son.” He sat bolt upright in his chair now with a look of fright on his face while mine I’m sure showed nothing but disgust.
“How did you…?”
“Stop asking me how I know shit, I know.” He looked deflated like he’d aged twenty years in the last five minutes.
“It’s my fault; when I started noticing her destructive behavior, I thought threatening to cut her off after college would shake her up, get her to do the right thing. But instead, it seems to have had the opposite effect.”
“She didn’t take the news of the baby very well after being an only child for sixteen years. My wife and I didn’t want to press charges, didn’t want anyone to know about it, so we covered it up. But she showed no remorse, didn’t even care about what she’d done. So I… I told her I was going to wash my hands of her after she finished college, that it was the last thing I was willing to do for her as a parent.”
I heard movement outside the doorway, but no one entered, giving me a pretty good idea just who was listening in to our conversation. “You should’ve had her crazy ass put away somewhere. Anyway, I said all I came to say.” I started for the door. “Oh, one more thing. Keep her away from my family unless you want to find pieces of her strewn along the highway.”
I left the room and passed her on her way as she tried to retreat without being caught. I didn’t even acknowledge her, didn’t look in her direction, but I felt the heat of her gaze all the way to the door. Evil twat. I called the number of the person I knew would do the most damage to her to give her a heads-up on my way to the car.
Now that my part was done, it was time to get the show on the road, and I know that Penny, one of the girls on her list, would rally the others into taking this shit to the limit. She’s one of those activist types with way too much money and time. Sherry’s ass is in for a world of hurt once that one gets her shit going. I smiled all the way home and didn’t spare her another thought.
Dad pounced as soon as I walked through the door. Lora was upstairs in the nursery with her mom and baby Lisa, I could hear them laughing up there when he dragged me to the back of the house as if the walls had ears or some shit. “What’s wrong with you? What did you do now?” I was thinking he needed me to get him out of one of his scrapes with his wife.
Dad has a habit of sticking me with the blame for some of his hair-brained schemes that she always falls for because it’s usually some shit that a brain dead teenager would do. Like the snowboard his idiot self bought on a whim and when she freaked because he’s never been on one before in his life he claimed it was for me. Like I’d risk my awesome neck on that stupid shit.