Page 57 of Forbidden Desire
“Go find your posse. I’ll see you at lunch.” I waited for her to get out and walk away before walking over to Paul, who was all but hopping from one leg to the next. I’m not sure why he’s looking so flustered; after all, I’m the one who’d done the shit that had him all hot and bothered. I’d barely reached him before he launched into a full-on bitch fit.
“Bruh, the ish has hit the fan.”
“Really?” That one word did not convey even part of the excitement I felt.
“Yeah, I don’t think she’s going to get out of here unscathed.” Even better.
“Look at my face, can you see how many fucks I don’t give?”
“That’s harsh, bruh.”
“Not as harsh as spreading destructive lies about an innocent. At least what I did was tell the truth.”
“Yeah but, I think this shit might get out of hand. I heard some shit that sounds like more than a few of them plan to jump her.”
I shrugged my shoulders and started walking towards the building. Up ahead, I saw Lora and her girls doing the same, and from the animated way they were yapping, I’m guessing she was hearing something similar to what I’d just heard. When she looked back at me with a frown, I was sure of it. I clenched my fists when I saw the indecision on her face and relaxed them again when she turned and continued into the building.
“You still not planning to tell her what you did?”
“No, and if you open your big mouth, I’ll make you eat your damn tongue. I warned that idiot what would happen, didn’t I? You were there at least one of those times. It’s not my fault that she didn’t take me seriously.”
“But when she came to you a few days ago…”
“Too late! I’d already set shit in motion, and the only reason she came to me was out of fear once she realized that I knew her little secret and had no problem exploiting that shit.”
“Dude, remind me to never get on your bad side. What’re you gonna do if those girls really beat her up?”
“Dafuq, that have to do with me?”
“Tyler!” I heard my name being called from behind and didn’t have to turn around to know who was coming up behind me. Let the games begin. “What do you want?” I didn’t even turn to look at Sherry as she caught up.
“I want you to stop, don’t you think you’ve gone far enough?” She came up beside me, huffing with rage, and I finally side-eyed her. Damn, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days.
“I told you what would happen if you fucked with her.” She reached for my arm, but I evaded her touch with a glare. If she knew how close she was to getting her ass strangled, she’d walk a hundred feet ahead of me. Paul, seeing the look on my face, put himself between the two of us and tried to make a joke to lighten the atmosphere. Good luck with that.
“I can’t believe you’d go to these lengths for your stepsister, someone you barely even know. You’ve known me since we were three or four…”
“Seriously? I didn’t even remember you until you showed up here a few months ago what dafuq are you talking about?” Her calculating ass just might be a bit crazy. And here I thought she was just an evil twit.
“Do you know what you’ve done to my life?” She started tearing up, but I’m not sure narcissists are capable of real tears, so I was not moved. Paul and his stupid ass looked like he was about to cave, which wouldn’t change my course one way or the other, but I’m not about to let her get her hooks into him.
“How do you figure? Aren’t you the one who did all that shit? I just let it be known is all.”
“I can have you arrested for hacking into my phone and computer.”
“You can try, but first you’d have to prove it.”
“I know it was you.”
“Is today your slow as fuck day? I know you know it was me. I told you it was me.” Is her ass spazzing out or some shit? Or is the pressure getting to her?
I was damn near repulsed, being this close to her, but I needed to play this shit out to get to the last scene of the act. I guess I should feel some kind of empathy for the girl she used to be when we were kids, but like I said, I barely remember her. I know what she became, what was walking next to me as kids filed into the school for the first class of the day, and she-it wasn’t something I felt even an ounce of remorse for destroying.
It had been easy piecing her life together form the information she kept on her phone and the files that were accessible with her email and the easy as fuck unencrypted passwords she used across the board. As the picture unfolded, her actions since coming back here made sense. The only thing I wasn’t sure of in the beginning was how much her parents knew about what she was up to with me.