Page 46 of Forbidden Desire
I did stop her when she started gagging on my cock and showed her how to take less while breathing and then taking more once she was comfortable. She took to it like a natural, and before long, I was close to cumming on her tongue. “Ease off, baby; I’m about to cum.” She sucked down harder and, at the same time, took my balls in her hand and fondled.
Whoa, fuck! I felt the first burst of cum shoot up my rod and onto her tongue, my eyes widening with surprise and almost dread, as I wasn’t sure how she was going to respond to a mouthful of cum. Instead of pulling off and giving me the death glare as I expected, she clamped her lips down around my cock, sucked more in, and squeezed my balls with just the right amount of pressure. Like I said, a natural.
I came a shit ton in her mouth before she finally released me and barely remembered to sheath my still hard cock before pushing her none too gently onto her back and slamming into her. I had to cover her mouth at the last second to smother the scream. After all that, I’d fucked around and fucked into her too hard, but even now, I couldn’t stop.
It’s as if I hadn’t just cum. My cock was hard as fuck still, and the need had grown out of control. I fucked into her hard once, twice, three times, and then came to my senses only because she was biting into my hand. I thought I was hurting her, but when I pulled back to apologize, she pounced and shoved her tongue past my lips as her hips bucked beneath mine.
I don’t think I’ve ever fucked anyone as hard as I did her for the next half an hour. I watched her face as she came twice before pulling out of her and placing her on her hands and knees in front of me. The room was dead silent except for our breathing and her moans as I slid back in, feeding her the entire length of my cock as she pushed back wordlessly, begging for more.
It took three condoms and well into the early morning hours for me to be satisfied. She was out two seconds after I pulled out and rolled away from her. I kissed her sleeping lips and grabbed my pajama bottoms off the floor, stepping into them before looking back at her one last time and heading for the door.
It felt almost surreal heading back to school after the weekend was over, especially since Tyler had only left my bed a few short hours earlier. Yesterday had been saved only because of him and his apparent dedication to making me feel special. It’s not something I expected, but it’s a very welcomed bonus.
By special, I mean, well… From what I’d seen so far not only with Tyler and his escapades with the girls at school, but way before that at my old school, when girls lost their V-card, I don’t seem to recall any of them mentioning the guy doing the things Ty did for and with me this weekend.
Even beneath our parents’ noses and they didn’t catch on a bit, like yesterday morning. Sundays are the laziest days in our home. No one really stirs until cook announces breakfast, which she gets started later on the weekends, but especially on Sundays.
I’d been sore and tired from the night before and could barely roll out of bed when I heard the others moving around outside the hallway before making their way down to bed. I groaned and tried getting out of bed, but my thighs hurt, not to mention my hoo-hah was still throbbing like a toothache.
Five minutes later, when I’d made it to sitting on the side of my bed where I was getting ready for phase two, the door had opened and in walked Ty with a tray. I still don’t know how he’d done it or what he’d said to our parents that they allowed this, but we’d had breakfast together in bed. Of course, the door had been left open like it used to be before when we’d hang out in there together.
After breakfast, we’d spent a good portion of the day in the indoor pool horsing around. There were a few close calls. Moments when either he or I would look with longing at the other, and we could both feel and see the need but remembering at the last second that there were cameras everywhere would have to stop midstride and not reach for each other.
Tyler had become innovative at one point when it got to be too much for him and had dragged me under the water for a kiss. I can’t say that I see what all the hoopla is about, but it was fun doing it with him for the few seconds before I thought I was going to drown.