Page 42 of Forbidden Desire
Dinner was obviously strained though everyone tried their best to lighten the mood that had been soured. It took me a while to realize that Tyler was even more pissed than I. It’s that tic he gets in his cheek when he’s about to lose his shit. He doesn’t know that I know that about him, of course, but I stared at it in fascination.
Tyler doesn’t get mad often; in fact, the only time I’ve seen him really mad was the night before at the party. My mind traveled from there to what else happened last night, and I grew twitchy in my seat. As if he had radar, his head came up and around, and he zoned in on me. I wanted to crawl beneath the table and disappear.
His hot as hell smirk didn’t help matters any, and I had to excuse myself from the table before our parents caught on. I knew something like this was going to happen, that I’d somehow give myself away no matter how hard I try not to. As I left the room, I felt as though all eyes were on me, and I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
I wanted to follow her from the room, but I needed to talk to dad. Her needy ass can’t hide her wants for shit, I’m gonna have to work on that. If my dad or her mom had caught that look on her face, the gig would be up. I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one in the room who caught her scent, so we’re good there.
Once dinner was over, I got dad’s attention before getting up from the table. I didn’t want Justine hearing what I was about to say, but I didn’t want her to feel left out or like we were hiding shit from her either. I still remember when she, and Lora first moved in with us, the way they seemed to walk around on eggshells as if expecting to be cast aside any second.
I’ve since gone out of my way to make my stepmother feel welcome and like more than the third-string in a three-ring circus. I thought now with the baby coming that she’d lighten up a bit, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Though she’d never discussed her ex with me, I can well imagine from what little Lora told me that she’d suffered at that asshole’s hands.
Dad followed me into the study and closed the door while Justine went upstairs. “What is it, son? You ready to tell me what you meant earlier about handling things yourself?”
“Yes. Although Lora didn’t drink what he gave her, I’m not sure what would’ve happened had I not been there. I’m not sure if she would’ve noticed or not, but that’s not the point.”
“The kid’s already been ostracized; I already made sure that everyone knows what he is and the word’s still being spread.”
“That’s good, son, but I don’t see how that’s dealing with it. We should call the authorities or alert the school at the very least. What he tried to do is a very serious thing, and I’m still not sure that I agree with you, not telling your stepmother and me right away.”
“That’s why dad.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’ll alert the right people when the time is right, but there’s something I need to do before that.”
“Uh…something like what?” I didn’t answer him, but I’m pretty sure he knew.
“Tyler, you have a damn near perfect track record, don’t go messing shit up. Leave this kid to me; let me take care of it.”
“Nope, I have to do it.” He gave me this long searching look as if he was trying to see into my head, but no words came.
“Why? Why do you have to do it? I’m essentially her dad, shouldn’t I be the one to handle something like this?” There he goes with that shit again.
“This happened in front of my peers, dad. I’m sure you remember high school and what it was like.”
My ass, this had nothing to do with saving face. I’m going to break his ass for two reasons. One because she flirted with him and two for what he tried to do to her. Breaking his ass in half is only the beginning of what I have planned for him, and once I’ve taken care of him, I can move my attention to Sherry and put an end to her shit.
“Dad, I don’t want that Sherry girl here. You saw how she just walked in like she has the right. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. I still don’t know what kind of person she is yet, and after that lie, she told about you wanting me to be with her. I’m a little bit skeptical.” First strike against her ass. I know my dad would never go against me for anyone, no matter how close he once was with her parents.