Page 40 of Forbidden Desire
“Don’t pout; I’ll give you what you want later.” I leaned over and kissed her pouty lips, which turned into so much more. I pulled away when someone whistled and looked around to see people watching us with varying degrees of encouragement as ice cream ran down both our arms.
I pulled her along laughingly until we were well away, and she still hadn’t told me what she wanted to do, so I dipped into a movie theatre that had a matinee starting in a few minutes. I have no idea what movie was playing, and neither did she. The place was empty as was to be expected, and we sat in the back and necked like the horny teens we are.
We kissed until our lips were raw, but I had too much respect for her to feel her up in the movie theater with the four or five other stragglers that had entered when we weren’t looking sitting around us. By the time the movie ended, it was almost time to head home, and I realized we didn’t have shit to show for a day of shopping.
“Shit, we gotta go shopping.” I dragged her in and out of stores, just grabbing shit for her and myself off the shelves while she laughed her ass off. She might not have noticed since I did that shit under the guise of having to do it for the parents’ sake, but I was actually buying her shit I knew she liked but was afraid to wear because of people like Sherry who like to talk shit about where she came from and the fact that she didn’t have as much money before her mom married my dad.
Nosy fucks, I don’t know how that’s any of their business, but I do know that she tends to buy less expensive things because she doesn’t want to come across as a gold digger, something her mom had done in the past until dad put his foot down. If she noticed that all the stores we went into were on the higher end, she didn’t say.
It took me less than two hours to buy her a complete wardrobe. Instead of rock revival, her jeans were now Hellessy Mcauley, she has no idea who that is, and I never gave her a chance to see the price tag. She doesn’t like makeup, but I made her grab some. She’d used her mom’s the night before to fuck with my head when she got all dolled up, which is why I’d been so surprised by her new look.
I’m not big on the shit, but she looked good, and as long as she’s with me, she can rock that shit. I’m not sure about her leaving the house with that shit on without me by her side, though, so we’re going to have a talk about that later. Not that she’s not hot as fuck without it, but she looks way too grown with that shit on. People get ideas.
By the time we made it back to the car laden down with our loot, we were both exhausted. “Hey, you didn’t let me try on anything, how do you know what size I wear?” She said this as I was buckling her into her seat after loading the trunk with our bags. “Seriously? You think I don’t know your size?” I stole a quick kiss before closing the door and walking around to the driver’s side.
On the way home, things were light and fun, just like they used to be only better. She’s one of those types who like to talk about the future and stops just short of expecting guarantees for every aspect of her life or our life together, I should say. I know that it has a lot to do with the way her dad left when they didn’t expect it since my own mother had done pretty much the same.
The difference is that I was much younger and had more time over the years to get over it, whereas what had been done to her had been more recent. No pressure. “Babe, you know they’re no guarantees in life right. None of us know what’s going to happen from one day to the next. But I can promise you that I won’t ever leave you, no matter what happens you’re stuck with me.”
That seemed to please her, and she moved over closer to rest her head on my shoulder. “You know, you could be the one who meets someone else, why do you keep thinking that it’s going to be who leaves you high and dry?” She had a bewildered look on her face. I can’t believe that the thought never entered her mind, which says a lot about her self worth. Something I’m going to have to work on.