Page 35 of Forbidden Desire
I placed my hand over her pussy about to panic. “Are you hurting?” She gave me an odd curious look and shook her head no, then followed my eyes to between her thighs. “I think that’s supposed to happen?”
“What?” I admit I had a brain spaz for a second. I knew I’d heard somewhere that some females bled when they lost their virginity, but no one had ever said that shit was supposed to look like a massacre. I didn’t know what to do at first, but instinct kicked in and I jumped up and off the bed. “Don’t move.” I walked into her bathroom and turned the water on in the tub, hoping our parents didn’t hear and come nosing around.
I got rid of the condom while I was in there and actually looked in the mirror to see if I looked any different. I can’t believe that with all the changes I felt inside, there was nothing different about me, except if you looked closely at my eyes. There was a light there that hadn’t been before.
She’d fallen asleep by the time I went back to get her, and I stood there beside the bed, just looking down at her and reliving the last couple of hours. I felt no regret and refused to let anything resembling doubt take root in my mind. I won’t blemish the best night of my life that way.
She murmured cutely when I lifted her in my arms. “Go back to sleep, baby; I’ve got you.” She cuddled into my chest and wrapped herself completely around my heart. I lowered us both into the water and sat with her on my lap, letting the water soothe the soreness between her thighs and wash away the blood that stained them.
She woke when I started washing her, and for some odd reason, when she looked at me, we both started laughing. I know it’s not possible, but she looked more beautiful to me than at any other time. I had the feeling that this is what it was supposed to feel like when you’re in love with someone, like really-truly in love and not just infatuated.
“How do you feel?” She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. “Amazing. You?” She looked into my eyes, and I wondered if she saw the same thing I did when I looked into the mirror before. “Happy.”
Neither of us wanted to bring up the party, and what happened, it didn’t look like she was even thinking about it, which was good because I’d already made up my mind to deal with it and leave her out of the whole situation. When she brought her lips to mine, I tried holding back. There’s no way I’m going to take her again after what I’d already done to her, not tonight anyway, and maybe not for the next few days.
She noticed and was not pleased. “What? You didn’t like it?”
“What do you mean?” She looked hurt as she tried to pull away, and I brought her back. “Tell me.”
“You don’t seem to want to kiss me, so I think maybe I wasn’t as good in bed as the others.”
“Is that what you think? Seriously? What’s that poking you in your side?”
I took her hand and led it to my boy, who was only too happy to show out. She gave me another one of those sweet blushes and then got frisky. “Oh no, you don’t, cut that out.”
“Why? He’s obviously interested.” Freak! We played water tag while I tried to keep her away from my dick.
“We can’t, baby; you’re gonna be sore.” She has no idea how freaked I still am about the blood. She may seem fine now, but I’m not about to take any chances. I’ve heard complaints before though I’ve always tried to be careful, but whereas I didn’t care too much in the past, there’s no way I’m going to hurt my precious girl. Trying to get her to understand that shit was a whole other matter.
“Behave, we have to go change your sheets and put those in the wash.” She seemed to finally remember who and where we are, and we hurried out of the tub to go take care of that. I was torn between leaving her so soon and going back to my bed, but the look on her face made up my mind for me.
“I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.” It wasn’t easy once she cuddled up to me in bed, but I was able to keep my dick under control, barely. We laid awake for another hour just both lost in our own thoughts, no doubt thinking of the monumental change in our relationship.
Now that the deed was done I wasn’t as worried as I had been before. I knew I had to come up with a way to tell my dad when the time was right, but there was so much going on with the family right now I didn’t think this was a good time. I wanted to meet my little brother or sister before things took a turn for better or worse, which meant we were going to have to keep our new relationship under wraps for now. Something I’m not sure is going to go over too well with her.