Page 29 of Forbidden Desire
All around us, our peers were back to laughing and having a good time, none of them aware of the battle that was being waged right around the corner from where they were gathered. I eased up on her lips, softening the kiss that I was sure had bruised her lips.
In my head, a voice was screaming at me to stop, to take control and get her to see the truth once and for all. Then maybe she’d stop putting me in this fucked up position of having to choose between her and my dad. But she pushed herself against me and wrapped her arms around my neck, and I knew that I’d only made things by touching her tonight.
“Please, Tyler.” Shit, her whining voice went straight to my cock, and I would’ve given her anything she asked for at that moment. Still, in the back of my mind, I had the thought that I wouldn’t go too far, not with people walking around out there and definitely not here at the scene of her near violation.
But maybe she needed me to touch her to erase the memory of that darkness from her mind. Sure Tyler, that’s why you’re about to do what you are. Shut the fuck up. As she pressed herself harder into me, not ashamed to let me see her need, I could do no less. I knew that if I rejected her now, that it would do more harm than good. So I touched her.
She drew in a harsh breath when my hand came to rest on her flat tummy just beneath the bottom of the crop top she wore. She was warm and soft under my fingers, and I felt an electric charge run up my arm as I touched her with unbridled need for the first time. Our mouths, which were still locked together, grew more heated as I sucked on her tongue, and drew her in closer.
The feeling of rightness was almost scary. That feeling as if the part of you that was missing had been finally found, and you know it’s complicated as fuck, but you’ve finally reached the point of no return. Though even as I was kissing her, I was still trying to think of a way to make this right for everyone.
I soon lost all thought as her taste and feel went to my senses. The way she clung to me, the way my heart beat with her in my arms, I knew that there was no way I could do to her what I’ve always done, hit it, and walk away with no regrets. Somehow I always knew it was going to be like this, and when I’d kissed her that last time and had barely stopped myself, I knew that if we were ever here again, that there would be no turning back.
The din of voices from the other partygoers finally penetrated as if getting closer, and I eased away, first taking my mouth away from hers while still stealing a few last nibbles of her lips before removing my hand from where it lay on her flat tummy reluctantly.
There was hunger and confusion in her eyes for the first few seconds after she opened them and looked up at me, and I kissed her forehead gently to let her know that this was not another half-ass attempt at rejection.
“Let’s go home.” I took her hand and walked her out of the shadows around the front of the house, where we had to pass the others. Steve saw us and came running over. “Hey, is she okay?” He stopped well away from her and addressed me per my orders when I threatened him before, and if I weren’t still so pissed, I would’ve laughed.
“She’s fine, where is he?”
“The fucker ran. I didn’t call the cops, I didn’t know what you wanted to do, but the word’s already spreading about what he is, so it’ll be hard for him to try this shit again.”
“He can’t run far, and his dad’s money isn’t going to save him this time. I’ll catch you later I’m gonna take her home.”
Steve apologized again, and she just nodded her head but said nothing. I squeezed her hand, and we walked off. Thank fuck Steve thought she looked dazed because of what happened as I heard him telling the others there that he should’ve fucked Kevin’s shit up because Lora looked like she was still out of it. I guess he thinks she’d tasted the spiked drink, and I didn’t bother correcting him because it wasn’t time for the truth about us to come out yet.
I strapped her into the passenger seat in my car before taking the driver’s seat and driving away from the party that was still going strong. It was still early yet, not quite eleven, which was time for her to be getting home anyway, so the parents wouldn’t think anything of us coming home at this time. I haven’t made up my mind if I’m going to tell them about what happened now, or later.