Page 12 of Forbidden Desire
That’s what had brought me to the realization that my new little sister was drop-dead gorgeous. Once I started seeing her through different eyes, started seeing her as a female instead of just the new person who was going to disrupt my life, it was hard to look away.
The problem is, in those first few months, when she’d treated me like a brother when she’d depended on me, I’d come to see her that way, as nothing more than the daughter of my dad’s new wife. As someone, I wanted to protect and love in that way. But as time went on, things changed, and I found that the more time I spent with her, the more I wanted. It was fucked, to say the least, but I convinced myself that I had it under control.
I did everything not to let on to my true feelings. Even when she’d drop down on my bed next to me to annoy me about something or the other, in that sisterly way. I’ve hidden a number of hard-ons from her innocent eyes. Resisted crossing the line and, in so doing, had put space and distance between us.
Still, I grew more possessive of her over time, warning others away from her and not letting her get too close to anyone else, even though I kept telling myself that I was just doing it to protect her. I didn’t want her getting a reputation like some of the other girls at school, girls who I myself had sullied.
But now something was happening that was tearing us apart, and she isn’t talking. I made up my mind as I drove Sherry to the hangout spot that I would get to the bottom of that shit once I got back home. Even if I couldn’t have Lora, there was no way I was going to let the rift between us stand.
“Hey, what’s the deal with that girl?” I’d almost forgotten Sherry was in the car with me when her question came out of the blue.
“What, girl?”
“The one in your house. Your what, sister-stepsister, I guess?”
“Lora? She’s fine. Why?”
“You two have a fight or something? She sounded pissed when I called.”
“No, we’re fine.” I didn’t feel comfortable discussing Lora with her and didn’t offer anything more.
“So, you two get along?” What the fuck?
“Yes, very well. Why?” She shrugged her shoulders again in a noncommittal way, but I got the feeling she was more interested in the answer than she let on.
“Does she always act like that?”
“Were you that offended? I’ll apologize for her. She’s not usually like that; she’s a really nice girl.”
“You could’ve fooled me.” She laughed snidely, and my hackles rose, but I didn’t say anything, and that seemed to give her the idea that she should open her damn mouth and start spewing shit.
“Do you get along with her mom?”
“You mean my stepmother? Yes.”
“Aren’t you a bit old to need a stepmom?”
“She’s my dad’s wife, what else am I supposed to call her?”
Her question made me think of a conversation I’d had with dad a few weeks ago. I’d just left Lora downstairs after hanging out watching TV. It was the first time I came close to crossing the line and showing her what I truly felt.
We’d just been sitting there on the couch like we had done so many times before, and it hit me all of a sudden out of nowhere, the urge to kiss her until she was breathless. It had been a shock when I realized I wanted to take her to bed right then and there and was almost powerless to stop the need.
I’d been disgusted with myself. There she was, laughing and talking to me like the brother I’d become, and all I could think about was how soft she would feel under me, wrapped around my cock. I had to get away from her before I did something stupid, so I ran.
I’d just dropped down across my bed when there was a knock on the door what felt like minutes later. I jumped up thinking it was her, but it was just my dad. “Oh, hi, dad, what’s up?” He was smiling as he came in and closed the door. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
He came in and sat on my bed the way he did when I was a kid. “I’ve been talking to the lawyer about making the family official. You’ve both turned eighteen already, so it might take some doing, but how would you like Justine and I to adopt you and Lora. She’ll be your real mom, and I will be Lora’s dad.”
I just stared at him as I felt the air get trapped in my lungs. I don’t remember much of what was said after that, but I remember the look on his face, he looked happy, happier than I’d seen him in a long time. I knew he really liked Lora, he was always calling her his daughter, but I had no idea he wanted it that much.