Page 39 of Coming for Coby: Silver Spoon After Dark
"You did," I whisper. "I'm happy, Coby. He's here, and he's not mad anymore, and I'm so freaking happy."
I nod, tears welling in my eyes.
"Good." Coby drags me into his arms, his lips coming down on mine.
"I said we were good, motherfucker!" Keegan shouts from down the hall. "I didn't say we were great! Stop making out with her in the hallway."
I bury my face in Coby's chest, laughing quietly.
"Go home!" Coby shouts. "You aren't even supposed to be here today!"
"Fuck you. I'm not leaving you here alone with my sister. I know what you do when I'm not around, you pervy bastard."
"Fine," Coby smirks, pulling me toward the lobby. "Then we'll just go home then."
"Fine!" Keegan shouts back. "At least your house has a fucking lock on the door."
"Jesus Christ," Slade mutters, poking his head out of his office. "If you two don't shut the fuck, I'm firing you both."
I gulp, afraid he means it. But Coby laughs. A second later, Keegan's laughter floats down the hall, too.
"You can't fire us. We both own part of this place."
"Doesn't mean I can't dream," Slade mutters.
My shoulders slump, relief coursing through me.
I guess everything is back to normal around here. Thank God.
Coby chuckles, flipping Slade off as he pulls me toward the doors and out into the late afternoon sunshine.
"Where are we going, Coby?" I ask. "You have clients in a few hours."
"I know, but I don't have any right now," he says. "That gives us plenty of time to pick out a puppy."
"I'm getting a puppy?"
"No, princess. We're getting a puppy." He laces our fingers together, leading me toward his truck. "And then we're going to start packing your shit to move you in with me."
"Oh, we are, are we?"
"Yep." He shoots me a dark look, just daring me to tell him no. As if I would. I want the same thing he does. So freaking bad. "I've waited long enough to get you in my bed permanently, Elodie. I'm not waiting another fucking second."
"You should drive fast then. Because if we work fast enough, I bet we can fit orgasm into the schedule somewhere."
His eyes light up, a slow grin spreading across his face. He leans down, scooping me up. I shriek with laughter as he runs to the truck with me in his arms.
God, I love him so much.
Five Years Later
"You have mail," Keegan says, popping his head into my booth to toss an envelope at me. I manage to catch it before it smacks me in the face.
"Thanks, fucker."
"No problem, dick." He smirks, flips me off, and then ducks out again.
I glance at the envelope and frown. My name and the shop's address are scrawled across the front, but there's no return address.
I set my pen aside and slice through the fancy seal on the back of the envelope, pulling out an invitation.
You're cordially invited to a night of wicked revelry tonight. Please present your invitation at the door to our bedroom, arrive naked, and prepare for the sinful delights selected just for you.
"Jesus Christ," I mutter, grinning ear to ear when I see Elodie's name embossed across the bottom of the invitation. It looks almost exactly like the one Roman Sterling gave me five years ago. Except this is one I intend to use until I wear it out. I only ever used his invitation once.
I took Elodie to The Sterling Rope one time a few months after we got together. It was during one of their masquerade parties. No one knew who we were. We didn't participate in anything publicly. But I let her look her fill, and then I took her upstairs to a private room, and I fucked her every which way a woman can be fucked.
By the time we left, I had to carry her out of there.
We never felt a need to go back. But I still fuck her every which way a woman can be fucked whenever the hell I feel like it. Our sex life is incredible. It always has been. I have a feeling it always will be. My wife is adventurous, willing to try anything once.
We've learned that there isn't a whole lot that we don't enjoy if we're doing it together. Which is precisely why we have three kids, with another on the way.
I can't keep my dick out of her. She wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, she does her best to make sure I can't keep my dick out of her. This invitation isn't the first time she's done something like this. I doubt it'll be the last.
I'm still the luckiest motherfucker on this planet.
Actually, that isn't true because it doesn't come close to describing how fortunate I am. My wife is my world. Not a day goes by when I don't fall deeper in love with her. I wake up with an angel every morning and fall asleep with a goddess every night. And we have three of the sweetest little girls right down the hall.