Page 30 of Coming for Coby: Silver Spoon After Dark
"I know."
We stand there for a long moment, just holding each other.
I don't even register the sound of steps coming down the hall until she squeaks softly and disappears from my arms, leaving me standing in the middle of the lobby, staring at the fucking wall.
Keegan strolls in, shooting me a weird look. "What the fuck are you looking at?"
"Spider," I lie. "Your sister swears she saw one crawling down the wall. I think she's seeing shit."
Keegan jumps back, making me laugh.
"Jesus Christ. Are you still fucking scared of spiders?"
"Man, fuck you. You didn't see the one that tried to eat me in Slade's goddamn yard that night."
"A spider tried to eat you?" Elodie asks.
"Mmhmm. A big ass spider." Keegan holds his hands apart to demonstrate.
"It was a banana spider. They're harmless."
"Yeah, well, tell that to my pants," he mutters. "Because I damn near shit them when the fucking thing landed on me."
Elodie lays her head against the receptionist's desk, cracking up.
I shake my head, fighting a smile.
"Laugh it up, fuckers. Just wait until one assaults you in the dead of night when you're minding your own fucking business," Keegan bitches. "See if you're still laughing then."
"Uh, no, thank you," Elodie says, wiping tears from her face. "I won't have to worry about pooping my pants. I'll just fall over dead. I do not do spiders."
"They're probably more afraid of you than you are of them."
She shoots me a look that makes it clear she thinks I'm full of shit. "I don't know who told you that, but you clearly haven't been to mine and Gemma's house when there's a spider on the loose." She shudders as if her skin crawls at the memory. "There are tears. And screaming. And more tears."
"She isn't lying," Keegan mutters. "They found one in the fucking shower when they were moving in and put up a do not disturb sign on the bathroom door. They wouldn't even go in there until I called the damn exterminator to come spray the entire apartment."
"That was his shower. We were just giving him privacy," she says with a sniff.
Christ, she's cute. If I'm not allowed to kiss her whenever the hell I feel like it soon, I'm going to lose my mind. I need this out in the open. I'm not going to last much longer hiding the way I feel about her. She's too fucking perfect for me to keep my hands to myself.
So I do the only thing I can do instead.
I remove myself from temptation.
"I've got shit to do," I mutter. "I'll come check on your spider later."
"If he comes back, I'll scream for you."
"Oh, I'm sure you will," I say, smirking.
She narrows her eyes on me, knowing damn well I'm not talking about her screaming over a spider. But Keegan is oblivious. He just chuckles and shakes his head, plopping down on the sofa beside the reception desk.
How the hell he hasn't figured out yet that I'm wild about his sister, I don't know. Even Slade knows something is up, and Slade minds his own damn business. But Keegan just isn't seeing it.
Maybe he just doesn't want to see it.
"Ilove you," I whisper as Elodie slumps against my chest. I'm still buried inside of her, my cock still mostly hard. It'll be hours before he finally goes down. But she's exhausted. I've been all over her since she walked in the door two hours ago.
I don't pull out of her, though. When she sleeps in my bed, she sleeps with me inside of her. As far as I'm concerned, that's how we'll always sleep. I fucking love falling asleep still nestled in her perfect body, my cock warm and sticky from her juices.
It makes fucking her awake in the middle of the night so easy. And we both know how much she loves waking up with me already moving inside of her. Sometimes, she's already well on her way to an orgasm before those pretty eyes flutter open.
"I love you too," she groans, nuzzling her face into my throat.
"I want to take you somewhere on Monday." We usually close the shop on Monday so we all have one day off a week. If we're super busy, we may come in anyway, but I don’t have anything on my schedule for the day. I've been keeping it clear so I can take her out.
"You do?"
"Houston," I murmur. "A real date."
"Yeah? You'll go?"
"Of course I'll go, Coby." She tips her head back to look at me. "Did you think I wouldn't?"
"The thought crossed my mind," I admit.
Her face falls. "Just because I'm afraid to tell Keegan about us doesn't mean I want to hide you from the world," she whispers. "I want everyone to know that I'm yours. I've always wanted that."
"Good, because you are mine."