Page 20 of Coming for Coby: Silver Spoon After Dark
I think it's cute that he thinks I'm just teasing him. All this time, I thought he was out of my league, but maybe we're far more alike than I always thought. Neither of us knows what we're doing here. Neither of us knows how to play it cool. I love that he tells me exactly what he's thinking and how he feels. He doesn't leave me guessing. I think it's my turn to offer a little bit of the same.
I crawl from the bed, fully aware that I'm completely naked. I don't care. He's seen everything already. His eyes drift down my body, but he doesn't leer at me. He doesn't make me feel gross. The way he looks at me isn't creepy or invasive. It makes me feel sexy in a way no one and nothing ever has before.
"Of course I mean it. I told you that you weren't the only one who has been in hell, Coby. Just because I don't want Keegan to find out about this yet doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. It just means that I think we need to tread carefully. That's all."
I cross the room to him, not stopping until I'm pressed up against him, my arms looped around his shoulders. I lift up on my toes, pressing my lips to his ear. "Besides, you promised to make me scream," I whisper against his skin. "Maybe I want to know what you sound like, too."
"Princess," he groans, one hand wrapping around my hip. "You're killing me here."
I smile, dropping back down to my feet. "Good because that's the plan, Coby."
He growls, reaching for me, but I dance backward, laughing quietly. He shakes his head, his eyes narrowed on me. "Fuck with me if you want, princess. But just remember, every time you do, you'll pay for it."
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
"You'll find out." He strides forward, pressing his lips to my forehead. "See you later, princess."
I watch him slip out of my room with a stupid smile on my face and my stomach turning somersaults. Swee merciful Jesus. If this doesn't work out, it's going to break me into tiny little pieces because he has my whole heart in his hands.
I barely have time to slip into a shirt and panties before Gemma comes barging into my room, her eyes practically bulging out of her head.
"I just ran into Coby in the hallway," she says, leaning up against the doorway. "Why did I run into Coby in the hallway, Elodie?"
"Um, because he accidentally spent the night?" I scrape my hair into a ponytail, scurrying toward the closet to grab clothes.
"He accidentally spent the night?" she squeaks.
"How did he accidentally spend the night? And why are you blushing? Oh my gosh!" she blurts, following me into the closet. "Did you two have sex?"
"What? No!"
"You did!"
"We didn't. Exactly."
"Oh my gosh." She pokes me in the arm, giggling. "You let him do dirty, dirty things to you, didn't you?"
"Maybe." I start shuffling through my clothes to hide my face. If she can't see me, she can't judge me…right? Ha!
"High five for Coby," she mumbles and then giggles.
I cover my face with my hands, laughing hysterically. I can't help it. She was not supposed to catch him sneaking out! We're freaking terrible at this. Keegan almost caught us yesterday, and she caught us today. There's no way we're going to get away with this. And yet…we have to get away with it. Until I figure out how to introduce to idea to my brother in a way that doesn't end his friendship with Coby, there is no other option.
"Ineed your help."
I glance up from the reception desk to find Coby standing in the lobby, smirking at me.
"With what?"
"Something in my booth."
I narrow my eyes on him, instantly suspicious. He just finished with his first client twenty minutes ago. His next isn't due in for another forty minutes. And the shop only takes walk-ins two days a week. Today isn't one of those days. He isn't doing anything back there that requires help.
He's up to something.
"Um, no."
His eyes narrow. He looks like a little boy who just had his favorite toy taken away. Except there's nothing little or boyish about him. He's an unruly beast with the body of a god.
"Fine." He advances toward me, far too beautiful for words. Something about his tattoos, piercings, and disgruntled look on his face just does something to me. This man isn't tame. He doesn't even know the definition of the word.
"What are you doing?" I ask, wary as he circles the reception desk, his steps heavy on the tile floor.
"Coming to kiss you."
"Coby," I hiss, glancing toward the hall to make sure we're still alone.
"If you didn't want me to kiss you here, you should have brought your fine ass to my booth when I asked you to," he says, crowding me up against the glass display case. He blocks me in with his arms on either side of me, leaving me nowhere to go.