Page 24 of Sucker Punch: Dark Why Choose Romance
Could that mean… Did he want me to stay?
An involuntary moan escaped past my lips at the mere thought of being with him, which made me squeeze my thighs together.
Why did he have to be so damn sexy? I had enough fighters in my life with Freakshow. One was a handful and the thought of another… but I could barely resist. That I already knew I couldn’t go anywhere near him might have added to the temptation, but that knowledge wasn’t helping me right now. I’d never had to fight off a sizzling sexual chemistry that was quite as intense as this one. That, combined with the bond I felt we were forming, as well as an emotional connection, was driving me to new levels of recklessness.
Get your head together. This cannot happen. It’s really as simple as that.
“Hey.” His smooth voice rang out from behind me, making me jump like an unhinged loon. “You wanted to talk to me about something?”
“Oh, yeah… I…” Shit, I was getting flustered. What the hell was the matter with me? I already felt like I had to be a lot stronger than everyone else because I was a woman trying to survive in such a testosterone-filled world. I didn’t want to cause that to fall apart over one silly, lust-filled mistake. “I had these made for you,” I said as I handed him the folded material.
He unfolded the shorts, grinning at me the entire time. There was a little secret behind his smile, and it caused my heart to beat faster and louder. I had a suspicion it might be due to me seeing him almost nude, and it was leaving me unable to cope.
“Oh, no way!” he nearly whispered. “My shorts. Just like before.” He ran his fingertips along the embroidered name. “Bones.” He looked up at me with softness in his eyes. “Thank you so much.”
“I wanted to welcome you?—”
“Ari, this is”—he looked down at the shorts and then back up at me—“this is extremely thoughtful. You really shouldn’t have. I don’t deserve?—”
“Stop,” I said. “We brought you into this gym to beat up other people. Not to beat up yourself.”
I watched as he extended his arms out to me, to pull me in for a grateful hug, and I could feel myself going into shock. I just didn’t know how I could be wrapped in those strong arms, pressed up against those amazing abs, knowing what his body was truly like beneath his clothing. I was already filled with a buzzing lust. I couldn’t make it worse.
But it was too late to back out now. He was coming at me.
The moment seemed to fall into slow motion. He touched me, filling me with a bolt of electricity. I looked toward him for a second, trying to see if he was feeling the same, and that was the moment I saw his lips were coming in to kiss me.
I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to.
I was pretty sure I had just enough time to turn my head away from him, to allow that kiss to fall on my cheek, but for some reason I didn’t. I stayed in that position until our lips crashed together. My lips pressed against his as he demanded I open them just enough to push his tongue inside to dance with mine. Passion conquered any hint of resistance. I was no match to this heavyweight contender. He championed over me as his kiss dominated.
Pulling away just enough to whisper, he said, “I shouldn’t.”
“I shouldn’t. We shouldn’t,” I said in agreement, but wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into the kiss more.
Passion multiplied, and I lost full control. The powerful lust took over, and all rational thought vanished as we kissed like I had never kissed before.
I didn’t know if anyone was still in the gym. I didn’t know if Frankie would walk in at any moment.
I didn’t care. I couldn’t focus on reality when I had Bones’ tongue inside my mouth. Reason screamed inside my head, but I fought against it as Bones pulled me hard against his chest. If it weren’t for the way he held me close, I would have surely crumpled to the ground. My breath became his, and my heart beat with the same rhythm. We were slowly merging with this all-encompassing kiss.
“Bones,” I finally said when we both came up for air.
“I know. I know,” he said as he pulled away completely and stormed out of the gym without saying another word.
What did he know? I sure as hell didn’t know. I was lost. Drowning in the waves and waves of emotion the kiss caused. What did he know?
“Careful, Ari,” someone said behind me.
I turned to see Lotto leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to find my voice. “Lotto, I didn’t know you were here.”