Page 66 of It Breaks Me (Betrayal)
Axel returned from the bar and handed me the glass of wine.
“This is weird.”
He took a drink from his glass as his arm returned to my waist, his eyes questioning me.
“Any time we were at the same party in the past, we always had to ignore each other. Now, you introduce me as your wife.”
“I’d prefer to introduce you as something else, but it’d probably be inappropriate.” He smirked.
I gave him a playful punch in the arm. “Such as?”
His hand moved down and squeezed my ass right there in the middle of the party. “My hot piece of ass.”
I gave him another playful smack as I rolled my eyes.
He tugged me close, bringing my lips to his so he could kiss me. And it wasn’t a quick kiss on the lips, but a full-on embrace as his hand gripped my ass again. “Don’t act like you don’t like it, baby.”
“I like it, just not in public.”
That arrogant grin was on his face. “Yes, you do. I can take you to the ancient Egypt room and fuck you on a sarcophagus. I bet you’d like that.” His arm continued to keep me close, close enough that his lips were practically against my cheek.
“You’ve had too much to drink tonight.”
“Drunk or sober, I’m obsessed with you, Pretty.” He pulled away and took another sip of his wine, his eyes scanning the room.
I had no idea what his parents looked like, so if they were right next to us, I would have no idea. I wondered if Axel had seen them, but I didn’t want to ask if he had and bring down his mood.
“Alexander?” A man called to us from across the room, a man several decades older than Axel, his gray hair starting to turn white in places. He held up his glass then motioned for us to walk over and join him as he spoke to another couple.
Axel took another drink of his wine, downing the entire thing in a single gulp. “Let’s do this.” He took my hand and guided me over.
I didn’t need an introduction to understand exactly what was happening.
The older couple the prime minister spoke to were both pale as ghosts, and that was an odd look in a room that was several degrees too warm. The man put his arm around his wife, and they took a noticeable step back.
“I just wanted to congratulate all of you on the hard work you’ve done,” the prime minister said. “Preserving your history, but also keeping these historic sites available to the public. Most people would have sold everything off or let it fall into ruin, but you have maintained your legacy and the legacy of your people…” He continued on, oblivious to the hostility between the two parties.
I stared at his parents, who both stared at Axel like he was carrying a bloody hatchet. Then in the middle of the prime minister’s speech, they turned away and walked off, choosing to be rude instead of suffering their son’s presence.
“Uh, did I miss something?” Prime Minister Amato asked, looking at Axel again.
“My parents and I aren’t close,” Axel said. “We’re like the North Pole and Antarctica.”
“Oh.” He slid his hand into his pocket. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It is what it is,” Axel said. “So, how are the kids?” He brushed it off like it was no big deal, like it didn’t make him lose sleep or sulk in the dark alone for several hours at a time.
“Oh, they’re great. Janine just started secondary school…” The prime minister brushed off the awkwardness and shared his life with Axel.
I didn’t listen. Instead, my eyes followed his parents, seeing them move to another spot in the room. They spoke quietly to each other, their faces still pale, as if being that close to their son was somehow an insult. They looked older than their age, like life had caused them unnecessary stress and advanced aging.
Seeing them avoid Axel like the plague pissed me off to no end. With Axel and the prime minister locked in deep conversation, I stepped away to give them a piece of my mind.
Axel was quick to grab me by the wrist and bring me back—as if he knew exactly where I was going.
I looked at him, my eyes furious.
He stared back, saying nothing as the prime minister continued to carry on.
I tugged on my arm to get free.
His grip tightened. “Let it go.” He said it quietly.
The prime minister stopped talking when he picked up on the tension.
“They gave you a restraining order, not me.” I twisted out of his grasp, so he was forced to release me to avoid breaking my wrist. Then I headed across the room and didn’t look back. I moved through the crowd of people and walked right up to them, both of them still locked in a heated conversation. My heart raced like I had sprinted across the room rather than walked. “My name is Scarlett. It’s lovely to meet you both.” I didn’t extend my hand to shake theirs, suspecting they would ignore the gesture.