Page 11 of Stuffed
“Why?” My brows pull together in puzzlement, and I see she’s got a water bottle with her.
“What do you mean why?” She laughs. “To lose weight, I guess.”
The word hangs between us, and she blinks a few times. “What do you mean, no?”
“I mean you don’t need to lose any weight. Did your boss tell you to?” I feel my face scowling and Angus in the back of my head telling me not to be an asshole. “I can have him fired.”
“Too bad you can’t have him killed.” She smiles at me, and I contemplate if I can actually do that. “But I’m good for right now. If he keeps screwing with me, I’ll let you know.”
“Have dinner with me,” I demand, and she shakes her head.
“I like how direct you are.”
“Why waste time?”
“I can’t tonight, I’ve got to work.” To her credit she looks disappointed.
I’ve got court that I can’t miss this afternoon, otherwise I’d take her out right now. “Are you wearing that corset again?” Just the thought of it has me hard.
“Why? Didn’t you like it?” She pretends to pout, and I hate how much I love that.
“I fucking hated it.”
“You were the only one.”
“Are you trying to make me jealous?” I take another step closer to her, and she nods. “It’s working.”
“Didn’t you enjoy my substitute last night?”
“No. She walked in and I left.” A bit of her hair has escaped her bun and I reach out to touch it. “I was only after one woman last night.”
“Come by the casino again. I’ll be working until midnight.”
“Make time for me, Ember.” I look into her dark brown eyes and will her to give in to this electricity between us.
“Okay,” she says softly.
“Let me take you somewhere there’s no cameras.” I lean down just a bit more and touch my lips to hers. It’s a whisper of a touch, but her mouth is so goddamn soft.
When I step back, I feel a rush of adrenaline, and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. Her face is flushed, and she brings her fingers to her mouth like she can’t believe I just did it. That makes two of us.
“I’ll pick you up after work,” I say, and I shove my hands in my slacks so I stop touching her. “Don’t work out.”
She shakes her head as I get back into the car and leave her standing there at the curb. I decide to make a few phone calls on the way to work. One of which is to find out who owns property on that street.
Now all I have to do is make it until tonight. Easier said than done.
Chapter Seven
“Mom, I’m not going to your place.” I hold the phone between my shoulder and ear as I repeat myself for what has to be the fifth time. I know I don’t live in the best area, but no one is selling drugs out on the corner. The day I packed up my shit and left, I vowed I’d never go back there, and I meant it.
“Tony isn’t even there.”
My stomach turns at the mention of Tony. He and my mom have been off and on for years. He gives me the creeps, and it’s messed up that my mom knows I don’t want to be near him, yet she keeps seeing him. I’ll never understand her. I think she’s addicted to the drama of the relationship. The cocaine too.
“I’ll bring it to your work on my way to the casino.” I look through my purse, making sure I have everything I need for work.
“Oh, that works.” She perks up. “You know Lawrence always likes seeing you.”
He’s a nice guy. Well, as nice as someone who owns a strip club can be. He keeps my mom out of trouble for the most part.
“I’ll see you soon.” I end the call and check my app to grab a lift.
“You’re not giving her money.” I turn around to see Diamond standing there glaring at me while still half asleep.
“She has to pay her rent.”
“Yeah, she has to pay her rent. Not you.”
She’s right, but it’s hard to explain. I know my mom is shitty, and I’m lucky I made it out without anything ever happening to me that I couldn’t come back from. I knew it was only a matter of time before that luck ran out. I packed up on my eighteenth birthday and got the hell out of there, but I’m still tied to her in so many ways.
“I can’t let her get tossed on the street.”
“She’s just going to snort it up her nose or worse.”
“Maybe.” I shrug as I go back into my bedroom and open my dresser. I take out a few hundred of Rogue’s money and I’m thankful now more than ever that I have it.