Page 35 of Falling for My Son's Best Friend
“But honey, it’s gonna be hard,” I ground out. “Like I said, there’s no money right now, there’s nothing but work, and I can’t be there for you every day. I can’t be by your side, we can’t talk every day in person.”
The brunette pulled back, laughing a little.
“But we can still talk,” she chided gently, a smile playing at her lips. “We can still talk, there is such a thing as a cell phone you know.”
And I crushed her to me again, grazing her soft cheek, taking her lips for another kiss.
“There is, but would you be happy with that?” I ground out. “Because even if you’re pregnant with my child, I still wouldn’t be able to come home. See how fucking fucked up it is?” I said, chest tightening again, expecting her rejection once more, expecting to be kicked to the curb. “I fully intend on getting you pregnant, I want your beautiful body ripe and full with my child, but honey, that doesn’t mean I can stay.”
And the brunette took a deep breath then, flushing at the thought of a baby, letting my seed take root in her sweet body. And she inhaled deeply then, those huge orbs pressing tightly against my chest, squirming a bit so that she sat in my lap, that big butt so full, teasing my dick. But this was serious shit and Marie wasn’t done yet.
“I know, Trent. And I love that about you. It will be hard,” she acknowledged, “It’ll be hard with me pregnant and you on the road. But we’ll survive, we’ll make it work,” she whispered, her sweet breath mingling with mine. “There are more difficult things in life, and if we both want it, we can make it work.”
I ground my mouth down on hers then because this was the answer to my dreams. By dating an older woman, a woman who knew herself, who was fully fleshed out and developed, I’d come out with more than I could ever hope for. Marie wanted to be pregnant with my baby, and that was a gift in and of itself, so precious, so truly amazing that my mind spun, dizzy with lust for her, dizzy with love and anticipation. But even more, the brunette had the maturity, the grit, the determination coupled with a womanly softness, a womanly knowing, to power through difficult times. Because no, my career wouldn’t stop even if my girl was pregnant. I couldn’t just hop off the team bus with a “Sayonara,” flashing a peace sign. I, too, had to power through this intense time of my career, a turning point as I proved myself in the hopes of hitting the majors. So shit, yeah, I was grateful for my woman, for the amazing female in my arms, for her understanding, her ability to compromise, her graceful manner as she walked this path with me.
And fuck, but I was going to try and make it sweet for Marie. I was going to do everything in my power to take care of my woman, to take care of our future child, to make sure that they had everything they ever needed or wanted. Because the beautiful female belonged to me and I belonged to her too. It was crazy, unfathomable, how we’d gotten together after a one-night stand in a bar, only to realize that she was Robbie’s mom at that, and trying to get pregnant too. But against all odds, it had happened. Against all odds, I’d been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Because I’d fallen for my best friend’s mom, she’d fallen for me, and it was the best falling that had ever happened, our hearts full, our souls one.