Page 4 of Falling for My Dad's Best Friend
And my mom sniffled a little more then, head bent, greying hair in a neat bob.
“I know baby, I know,” said my mom. “It just happened so soon, you know? I still remember you in diapers with a poochy tummy and big smile,” she sniffled again. “But it’s not about me, today is about you. Now go down there and enjoy yourself, the first few guests have already arrived.”
I smiled and hugged Linda one last time.
“It’s no worries Ma, we’ll hang out over the summer and spend some quality time together, okay? We still have a couple months before I head off to college."
And Linda nodded, sniffling and nodding, wiping her eyes one last time as I went down the stairs. To tell the truth, I was feeling a little weepy too. I love my parents, I’m connected at the hip to the parental units, and they mean the world to me. It’s a little freaky I know, because most teen girls are dying to get away, to establish their independence. But I guess it’s because I’m an only child. With just the three of us, Linda, Ray, and I developed a close bond, and there was definitely a co-dependent element to it all. So it was good that I was leaving home actually. For the first time, I’d be striking out on my own, and hopefully, cut the invisible lifeline that ran between us.
Shaking my head once more, I walked wobbily down the stairs. There were so many changes coming, and despite my brave words, I was a little apprehensive. It was freaky to leave the comfort of home for Hudson University, where there’d be a million kids partying, studying, smoking pot … and oh god, having sex. But that was the thing. I needed to come out of my shell a little and act more like a woman, rather than a shy teen, and sex was very much a part of it.
So I forced myself back to reality as I went down the stairs. This was no time to mope about all the things I had to learn, all the things I had to teach myself. Guests were here and it was important to be happy at my own party, play the part of the gracious hostess. And whaddya know, but the doorbell rang just as my foot touched the first floor landing. With a big smile, I swept the front door open, ready to pop out a cheery greeting when all the breath evaporated from my body.
Because it was Rob Parker, or Mr. Parker as I’ve called him my entire life. My dad’s best buddy was here, tall, gorgeous, dominant, those blue eyes so clear, so penetrating, that I shivered all over. All thoughts of college, leaving home, my parents, whooshed out of my head and I was literally breathless, knees weak, with a shy smile on my lips.
The feelings were wrong, I know, but I can’t help it. Mr. Parker has always been a part of my life. My dad and he were college buddies together, they were pledge brothers at a fraternity house the same year. I guess pledge rituals are pretty brutal because even now, twenty years later, my dad won’t be specific about what they were forced to do, but it’s fair to say there was plenty of drinking, one dude had to be taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, not to mention the fire that almost burned down the frat house. Alpha Kappa Gamma was rough then, and it’s rough now.
But whatever happened during that week, the events glued my Dad and Rob together like brothers forever. Because Mr. Parker has always been around, ever since I was born. When I took my first steps, they took a photo of Rob, young and handsome, holding my outstretched arms as I wobbled around. There are also photos of us together in the pool, me a skinny, scrawny seven year-old with huge bubble goggles and a fluorescent snorkel coming out of my mouth, hamming it up with Rob, bronzed, powerful, grinning carelessly at the camera, big hands under my armpits. So yeah, Mr. Parker has always been a part of my life, as long as I can remember.
And lately, there’s been a new Rob. Dark, dangerous, and aware, exuding masculine presence. His eyes follow my form, skimming over my curves, eating me up when he thinks I don’t notice. Because I know he’s looking. I know he sees the changes in my body even when I wear loose t-shirts and baggy jeans. I know he’s taking in my womanly shape, the way my curves pop out at the least unexpected moments, heavy and full.
And the truth is that I kinda like it, even though I’m not used to my body yet. Actually, I love it, I love feeling Rob’s eyes eat up my curves, skin growing hot under the man’s gaze. I love knowing that visually devouring me, probably doing something dirty with me in his mind. And despite my best efforts, there have been some “accidents.” I dunno, I’m not used to my new body yet, and my ass has accidentally bumped against the big man more than once, hips jiggly and wide. And oh god, there was the time my breasts literally rested on his arm as we peered together at the computer screen as he helped me research schools. I didn’t realize it at first, didn’t even know it was happening.
“How about Colgate College?” I chirped, pointing to a link on the right. “I hear it’s beautiful and they have a brand new library filled with books.”
Rob snorted before turning to me, blue eyes teasing.
“Do you really care that much about books, Mandy?” he asked with a careless grin. “I didn’t know you were such a bookworm. Don’t you want to get out, go on some dates?”
I’d flushed, embarrassed. The truth is that I’ve never been asked out on a date, not even once. Sure, I’ve been on group dates, the kind where a bunch of girls go with a bunch of guys to hang out at the local diner together, but never anything one-on-one. So I flushed, embarrassed to admit the truth.
“Um, not many boys are interested in me,” I muttered, looking down, cheeks flaming about a million degrees. “I guess I don’t have that much to offer.”
Rob was silent for a moment before turning those blue eyes to me, gaze suddenly hot, appraising my curves, taking me in fully.
“Honey, you have plenty to offer,” he rumbled deep in his throat. “More than plenty. Look where your breasts are baby, trust me, you have plenty.”
And I’d looked down, shocked because I was clueless up until that moment. I didn’t have the spatial awareness, didn’t know exactly where I was in relation to the objects around me. So with a gasp and a twitch, I glanced down and realized that my huge Double Ds were pressed against his arm on the desk, both girls soft, warm, enormous and curvy even under the loose t-shirt.
And to my shame, my nips hardened visibly then. Right there, through the cotton tee, my tits perked up, pebbling under the soft material, the tips literally jutting out for Rob to see, begging for a kiss.
He merely rumbled at the sight, eyes alive, that huge male body taut, exuding crackling energy.
“See little girl?” he ground out, for my ears only. “You’re beautiful and there’s plenty for the boys at school.”
I jerked back then, hugely self-conscious and more than a little embarrassed, ears in flames as my jugs bounced heavily.
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry Mr. Parker.”
And I didn’t give him time to answer. Instead, scrambling, I rushed up to my room as fast as my legs would carry me, the low sound of his chuckle trailing me from the living room. Holy shit! Holy freakin’ shit, I’d just unwittingly pressed my breasts against the alpha male’s arm, huge sacks of cream dropping against the tanned muscle, the sinew and male strength that was all Rob. But instead of being disgusted or pulling away, he’d called me “beautiful” and said “I had plenty to share.” Oh my god. Did my dad’s best friend, this gorgeous older man, think I was attractive? Maybe even sexy? My breath caught in my throat and I dropped onto my bed, limp, lifeless, just letting the words roll over me.
Because I was attracted to him, absolutely. He was Uncle Rob, and yet, there was so much more. There was a vitality to the man, something that made the alpha male youthful and vigorous, although he was technically the same age as my parents. And the difference couldn’t be more stark. Linda and Ray were already flabby around their middles, even riding a bike one block would be a challenge, their massive, fleshy forms ridiculously perched on a small bike seat.
But Rob was a whole different story. Tall, athletic, with just a touch of grey at his temples, he was in great shape, more like a professional athlete than a middle-aged man. Broad shoulders tapered to a vee, with long legs, thick tree trunks that begged to be climbed. And oh god, what lay beneath his shorts I could only imagine. Shamefully, I’d been staring at him down there lately, tracing the bulge with my eyes, literally salivating a bit as I eyed the huge ridge that practically wrapped around his waist, his dick was so obvious.
So yeah, as I swung open the door to find Mr. Parker there, my body did its usual dance, losing control, nips perking visibly, cunt rushing with warmth.
“Hi, Mr. Parker,” I said with as much cool as I could muster. It came out small and tinny, like I was a mouse. That would never do. So I cleared my throat and tried again, enunciating like a real woman.