Page 34 of Falling for My Dad's Best Friend
Rob growled approvingly into my ass.
“That’s right honey,” he ground out, slowly slipping his wet tongue around my pleats, testing them, pushing against the brown pucker. And even though I thought it was impossible, it happened then. His tongue increased its pressure, relentlessly pushing and suddenly, he slipped in about a quarter of an inch into my musty hole, making me buck and squeal once more.
“Ahhh!” I moaned, my voice rising into a high-pitched whine. “Oh!”
Rob rumbled below me.
“That’s right,” he rasped, still tonguing my butt. “Now come with Daddy’s tongue in your ass. Come baby,” he commanded. “Come while Daddy tonguefucks your butt.”
And my body was so attuned to his words and his presence that I shattered then. I belonged to the alpha every which way, every fiber, every inch, every nerve, branded with his name, and right on cue, my pussy and ass both began contracting, a series of vibrations running through my most sensitive flesh, hole gushing and oozing wetly as I screamed.
“Oh Rob!” I cried out, his name on my lips as I came. “Mr. Parker!”
The big man merely grinned with his tongue still buried in my butt, eyes level with my snatch.
“That’s it,” he groaned. “Give Daddy a show, let me see that pretty puss spasm, let the fireworks go.”
And jerking my head up, I too, looked down as my body erupted. Because Rob was holding my labia opened, and I watched with shocked eyes as the main event began. My pink insides rippled at first, glistening hotly, deep fuchsia under the lights before seizing, hole winking, Daddy’s tongue stuffed up my butt. My body began convulsing rhythmically now, pussy moving with each beat, rolling with the waves as the flesh between my legs jerked visibly, oozing goo. Sparks went off in my cunt, boobies heaving as electrical fires shot through my veins, my interior so bare, so open and visible, titillating, giving it all up for Daddy.
“Unnh!” I squealed again, staring at my pulsing insides. “Oh god!”
Rob pulled his tongue from my butt now, hole empty so that I could see the action there as well. And sure enough, my ass pulsed in rhythm with my pussy. As I watched, a drip of goo rolled from the base of my slit down to my brown pucker, and it too, opened and closed, winking as orgasm ripped through my frame.
“Unnh!” I screamed again. God, this was so dirty, I was completely nude, a man holding my folds apart as we watched my pussy and ass quiver and shake, the pink flesh steaming, losing everything to the heavens. “Oh god!” I cried again in disbelief.
And Rob was fast. Because without missing a beat, the big man reared up onto his knees and fucked into me, my inner channel gripping him tight, wet lips sucking him in.
“Unh!” I grunted, surprised and impaled, but loving it all the same. His cock was huge, thick, and dominant, that giant pole wedged up against my insides, massaging me the way only a man’s meat could. “Oh!”
The big man groaned as well.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he rasped. “Fuck fuck fuck.”
And after two strokes, one in and one out, the alpha male burst. My pussy was too small, the illicit sex play too fucking dirty even for Mr. Parker, and with a drawn out roar, Rob came, hot juice shooting up my interior.
“FUCK,” he ground out once more, hips jerking, lashes of white blasting again and again into me. And it felt so good, so illicit and amazing that I passed out, going unconscious. Maybe it was the sensation of semen jetting, of the hot bubbly pumping relentlessly into my insides, or maybe it was the fact that I’d just watched the best show on earth and then gotten fucked as a bonus. Whatever it was, I soared over the edge and as my body erupted, lava flowing from my hole, consciousness floated away like a cloud. Everything flashed white and then went dark just as quickly. My head lolled heavily to the side on the pillow, body still convulsing, and my last coherent thought was, “I love this man. I, Mandy Jones am in love with Rob Parker.”