Page 30 of Falling for My Dad's Best Friend
And Mr. Parker nodded.
“I remember that,” he growled, taking a sip of wine. “I remember when you went from Mandy Dandy to Mandy the knock-out in a month. Twenty-seven days to be exact.”
I gasped, turning to him.
“You remember?” I stuttered. “You noticed, you were counting?”
And Rob took another slow sip of wine.
“Absolutely baby,” he said. “You’ve thought of me as Uncle Rob for a long time, but I’ve been noticing you for a lot longer than that,” he said, voice measured. “I’ve been aware of you for a long time honey, when those breasts started to grow, believe me, I noticed. Any man would.”
I blushed again.
“But I was so young then, awkward and lame,” my voice trailed off.
“Like I said, any man would notice,” continued Rob roughly. “It doesn’t matter that you were young. I mean, it matters, I wouldn’t have touched you, but I noticed. I have eyes, I can see honey, and I’m just a man. Besides, you were so beautiful it was impossible to look away.”
I choked again, this time literally huffing up a small piece of steak, coughing and hacking.
“But if you noticed back then,” I began once I got my breath back, “and I’m eighteen now …”
Rob nodded, finishing my sentence.
“That’s right honey,” he ground out. “I’ve been watching you for years, watching that delectable body grow into a woman, watching these huge Double D’s come in, that ass of yours get rounder and juicier. And baby,” he said turning to me, blue eyes piercing, “It was fucking hard. You had no idea what you looked like, acting the little girl even though you had the body of a woman. Do you remember your fourteenth birthday?”
I blushed because of course I remembered it. I’d been wearing a bikini for the first time, my first two-piece, a red and white polka-dotted number that was girlishly cute yet unknowingly sexy at once. I’d been excited about the ruffled bottoms, the way my breasts thrust out against the material, bulging and yet covered. Because under Linda’s watchful eye, I wasn’t wearing some Brazilian thong that left nothing to the imagination, bisecting my ass cheeks. This was a bikini that had real acreage, suitable for a fourteen year-old, more Minnie Mouse than Frederick’s of Hollywood.
But evidently the suit had made an impression because Rob groaned, eyes faraway as he pictured it once again in his head.
“Fuck you were so beautiful honey, so absolutely delectable, I wanted to fuck you that entire day. Shit, I almost cornered you behind the pool house a couple times, I was so desperate to get a kiss, to get a quick feel, some pussy on dick.”
And I gasped.
“But I was only fourteen then,” I whispered, brown eyes large. “I was so young.”
And Rob nodded harshly.
“Exactly,” he said, turning piercing blue eyes to me. “You were only fourteen and I fought my body the whole day, I made myself laugh and talk like nothing was wrong even though my dick practically erupted a couple times looking at you.”
And I blushed because there had been a few occasions when I’d looked up to unexpectedly find Rob’s eyes on me, to feel that blue gaze running hotly over my curves. But I’d thought it was my imagination. I’d been so inexperienced back then that I was sure my mind was playing tricks, that the big man’s look was merely a mirage because as soon as I looked back, he’d turn away like nothing was wrong, chatting and laughing coolly with other partygoers.
So I’d shaken it off, sure I was wrong, that the whole thing was just a dream, my senses gone wild under the blazing sun. But now the big man was telling me that it had absolutely occurred, that he’d been fighting himself for hours, dying to bobble my boobs, to stroke my snatch even though I’d been underage and unaware.
And I gasped again, because suddenly I realized how difficult the passing years must have been for him.
“But Mr. Parker,” I said slowly. “That was four years ago, almost five. I’ve been growing more,” I added shyly, nodding to my bust, “I’ve got Double Ds now, I’ve only gotten bigger all around. How, I mean, what …?” My voice trailed off once more, I didn’t know how to ask.
And the alpha male let out a short bark of laughter, more a desperate cough than a sound of mirth.
“You’re asking me how I survived being around you for years, watching as you ripened and developed, becoming a beautiful woman?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow although harsh streaks of color danced across his cheekbones now, the steak forgotten.
And I nodded mutely.
The big man growled again.
“The truth is that it’s been fucking hard,” he acknowledged, eyes holding mine. “It’s been fucking painful seeing you all the time, those boobies out to there, that cunt smell so strong, aromatic, always trailing you in a cloud.” I gasped. He could smell my pussy? He could smell the drip that started whenever he was around?
And Mr. Parker nodded, confirming it.