Page 2 of Falling for My Dad's Best Friend
I didn’t mean to look. It just happened. I’d pulled up to the Jones’s driveway, Porsche humming quietly. Bending down to pick up something from the passenger side, I hadn’t thought twice. But looking up, suddenly Mandy was there, in those short as shit shorts and too-tight tee.
Shit. Mandy. Mandy, my buddy’s daughter, for crying out loud.
When she was a kid, it was fun and games. I’d take the little girl to play tennis, we’d go swimming in the pool together, do all sorts of favorite-uncle type stuff.
But then Mandy grew up. Last time I saw her had been her high school graduation, and it’d been awkward. Awkward in a touchy-feely yet fucking awesome kind of way. Because I’d shown up at the Jones’s house, graduation gift in hand, and the girl who opened the door was no longer Mandy Candy or Mandy Pandy. She was Mandy the Mancatcher. I could hardly breathe, chest going tight, cock suddenly aching.
“Hi Mr. Parker, is that for me?” she smiled sweetly, reaching for the box. Frozen, I let her take it from my arms. Because those big brown eyes were doe-like, huge and innocent, yet knowing just the same. And other parts of her were singing to my body, making my temp go up about a million degrees. Mandy wore a dress, for one, which was totally out of character. What the fuck? The girl I knew was always dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, brown curls short, more like a boy than a girl sometimes.
But the new Mandy was a completely different game. This Mandy was wearing some purple thing that hugged huge tits, big, juicy, the kind that a man could suckle for ages. What the hell? When the fuck had this happened? When had she grown giant gazongas, succulent, tempting, the kind to make a man cry?
And oh shit, oh shit, but that dress showed off a narrow waist, plus huge hips that swayed as she turned to lead me into the house. I watched like a man transfixed, eyes grazing the curves of that ass, the round bounciness that went up and down, beckoning me, making me stiff as fuck. But this wasn’t the time. This was her graduation party for crying out loud, and my stiffie was sorely out of place, the hardness achy and painful despite the fact that I hadn’t said a word to the girl yet.
But it was like the brunette could read my mind. Turning back to look at me over her shoulder, she shot me a coy glance.
“Coming, Mr. Parker?” she asked sweetly. “Everyone’s in the living room.”
And adjusting my crotch as discreetly as possible, I growled out an answer.
“Yeah, be right there, let me grab a beer first.”
Almost limping to the kitchen, I shoved my way into the empty room, literally bending over, hands braced on the counter as I keeled forwards with agony and ecstasy at once. Shit, my hard on was so fucking obvious, the front of my pants like a flagpole, cock so stiff it practically poked out of the waistband. What the fuck was wrong with me? This was my best friend’s little girl for crying out loud, a sweet thing who’d I’d taught to swim, right here in their backyard. Mandy was eighteen, innocent, and trusting, and yet so much more now.
Because I’m a guy who knows women. Shit, I’m forty-five and women have been throwing themselves at me since I was fifteen. So yeah, that’s thirty years of females non-stop, young and old, married and single, all sorts of chicks dying to get a taste of Rob Parker. And I can tell when a woman wants it. I can tell when she’s ready for it, when she’s ripe, singing a siren song with her body. And this little chickadee before me was singing out loud, volume on max. Those brown eyes, the way her sweet lips puckered, the sway of her ass. They called to me, a female beckoning to her male, letting him know she was in heat.
And I’m an alpha who takes. I don’t hold back, there’s no reason to. I live the good life, with plenty of money, shit, the money practically makes itself now. So that leaves me with options galore, and right now, I knew exactly what I wanted, exactly what would get my goat. I wanted to throw Mandy over the couch, bend her over and make her take it, cock in her bottom, her pussy, her mouth, anywhere that curvy eighteen year-old body could fit. Because shit, teen pussy is tiny and I’m fucking big. Hell, some of my girlfriends were barely out of their teens when we started dating, and trust me, there’s a big difference between old puss and young. It’s in the elasticity, the tightness of their twat, the flow of their nectar. I love it new when it’s fresh and juicy, like sinking your dick into a ripe peach.
And Mandy wanted it, I could tell. There was something about her, hell, it could even be hormones, it could be vibes, or maybe it was just the scent of that sweet cunt, slippery and wet. I can smell a woman in heat from a million miles away, and shit, but the brunette was coated in pussy scent, walking around like a living aphrodisiac, hungry and begging for dick.
But this wasn’t the place. This wasn’t the time. This was Mandy’s graduation party for crying out loud, and her parents were in the house, plus a million other people I didn’t know. Get it together for fuck’s sake, I growled to myself. Get it together,tuck that stiffie back in.
So taking a couple deep breaths, I adjusted my crotch and strategically held a beer bottle in front of my waist. But there was no hiding the fact that I had a major problem, so I hung out in the kitchen for a while, biding my time, willing the damn thing to go down. But despite thinking about the desert, a stiff shot of bourbon, anything to get my mind off Mandy, it fucking didn’t work. Because my mind went crazy, imagining that curvy body bent over, legs spread, beckoning to the pinkness within.
But this is no way to think of your best friend’s little girl. Ray and I have a long history, going all the way back to college when we were frat brothers getting drunk and banging chicks every night. It rocked back then, and I’d be on it like a light if Ray wanted to do it again. But the problem is that there was a new girl on my radar, and I wanted her bad. I was desperate to get my dick into that sweet teen cunt, and the issue was that it belonged to my best buddy’s daughter. What the fuck? I was such a fucked-up motherfucker, I didn’t deserve to be alive, thinking these thoughts. But the images wouldn’t stop whirling through my brain and without a doubt, I knew something for sure … Mandy was gonna be mine, dad’s best friend be damned.