Page 82 of Eternally Rare
I groan unexpectedly when I feel his tail slip under my robes and tease my crease. I nearly choke on his thick come but as Rarity’s thighs tremble, I keep my pace, wanting my mate to come for me, for all to hear, for the kingdom to know my vampire is claimed.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you’re about to come, Rarity. Flushed lavender cheeks, pouty pink lips that make me want to fucking eat you, glazed eyes, messy hair, those goddamn noises that fall from your soul. I want to drink them,” Nyx says as his tail wraps around my cock until it constricts it, making me mewl in pain.
And then he lets go causing me to groan.
Plunging my tongue inside her again, my sack pulls to my body, my cock burns with a painful throb from Nyx teasing me, and if she does not come soon, I am afraid I am going to die if I do not get relief.
“Cailian!” she screams my name.
My. Name.
And it is music to my pointed ears as my mouth is graced with the taste of her orgasm. I drink her down, allowing her to rub her pussy on my face, using me to get every spasm of pleasure.
I swallow, dipping my head out from under her dress and Rarity’s eyes glow a magnificent bright red. Her fangs lengthen and snarling, she slams me against the wall across from the railing we were just at in a blink of an eye. Her strength overpowers my own. Claws rip my robes, freeing my cock for all to see.
In a blur, she lowers herself to her knees, swallowing me whole, and I lose the ability to think or string a thought together.
“Rarity—” I moan loudly, my vision blurring for a moment before I’m able to focus on Nyx.
He’s standing across the hallway, leaning against the rail, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, wings spread, as he stares at us as if we are his favorite thing to watch.
I’m starting to think he loves a good show and I do not mind giving it to him at all.
A sharp pain of her fangs slicing into the vein that pumps blood to my cock has me hissing, but then she sucks, relishing in long drags.
She’s beautiful as she drinks from the most intimate spot.
Her bite, how she drinks, the pain and pleasure mixed has my orgasm finally ripping from me. She swallows the blood and come concoction, moaning from my taste.
“So, who is ready to finish that tour?” Nyx laughs at his own question.
I mumble something. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m ready for a nap.
I couldn’t control myself after Cailian got mad at me. I couldn’t help myself when I saw Rarity leaning against the railing, enjoying the view of the mountains.
The view of her distracted me. The anger rolling in the bond from Cailian fueled me. I needed them. I felt distant and it is no one’s fault but my own. I am trying to accept Fate yet at every turn, I am reminded that the elf I yearn for, the creature I want in my bed and on his knees, is the one who changed my life forever.
The only normalcy I feel in this mating is Rarity. She’s solid ground, a place where I can feel peace instead of chaos. She’s a welcome breath of fresh air and stability. Because of that, I don’t think she will ever know how much her presence, her being, her mind, her soul, and everything else about her, means to me.
She is peace.
He is violence.
I shouldn’t be surprised that I can’t live without both.
The walk to the village is quiet and a bit comical. Rarity and Cailian are dazed, still riding the high of their orgasms. I feel a bit smug Taygen and a few other guards saw us, saw me claiming my firebonds. I am not a fool. I know Cailian is one of the most beautiful elves I have ever laid eyes on.
And I know Taygen feels the same. I could see it in how he stared at My Treasure. There were hearts in his eyes, and I had to break them.
“Can’t we go back and take a nap?” Cailian asks for the third time since we left the main castle to walk down the path leading to the village. “The village will be here tomorrow. We can just go cuddle in bed all day. Does that not sound delightful? And we can listen to Rarity talk in her sleep.”
“I don’t talk in my sleep that much.”
“You’re right.” I pat the top of her head. “You don’t talk in your sleep. You’re silent. It’s all in our heads.”
“Thank you. I am so glad one of you is being reasonable.” She laces her fingers through mine, her other with Cailian, and we walk hand in hand.
It’s so domestic. I don’t think I have ever held hands, but I will hold theirs until death rips me away from them.