Page 78 of Eternally Rare
I have a feeling Rarity will not be inclined to accept what we are about to say.
Nyx places his hands on her shoulders, massaging them gently, and Rarity shuts her eyes, groaning.
“Not fair,” she mumbles, hanging her head. “You’re distracting me.”
“That’s the point.” Nyx winks at me and my insides do something funny, something I have never felt before.
I place a hand to my stomach and inhale deeply, yet keep a relaxed demeanor so I do not give myself away.
“You are a princess, Rarity. Princesses do not clean,” I inform, wanting to get the image of Nyx’s wink further from my mind.
We are not friends, and we are barely lovers. With his announcement earlier, it is clear he will never forgive me, and I will remain the person whom he despises most in this life.
“That’s ridiculous. I am capable of cleaning my own home. That’s nonsense. We will tell them not to worry about cleaning—”
“—Then those elves will be out of a job and pay. You would be comfortable with that?”
She lifts her head and frowns at me. “Of course not. Maybe I can just help them, then? I don’t want anyone thinking I’m here ordering them around. I don’t like that they are doing work I don’t mind doing. Isn’t there a compromise? Can’t I help them? It would allow me to get to know them better.”
I sigh, unsure of what to say.
“That’s not how things are done here, Rarity,” Nyx says. “It would change how things are done around here. The rules are here for a reason. You aren’t part of a normal family anymore—”
“—I’ll have you know I was never part of a normal family. My coven has a Wildes Witch. We are practically royalty to others—”
“—But you lived a normal life.” I take her hand in mine. “And there is nothing wrong with that. But you no longer live that life.”
Her eyes harden when she glares at me, then slides the maddening gaze at Nyx. “I’m not wanting to give up my life. I will help the others. I will continue to be independent in my own way and you—” she shoves her fingers into my chest “—and you—” Rarity tries to shove Nyx, but he does not move. “Can’t stop me.”
“You are a stubborn vampire,” Nyx grumbles.
“You haven’t even seen stubborn yet. This is only the beginning,” she huffs, crossing her arms.
“That I have no doubts about.” I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her soft knuckles. “I cannot wait to see every stubborn side of you.”
This time when she smiles, Rarity takes my hand and Nyx’s, tugging us out the ballroom doors.
“Okay, show me everything about the castle and the land. Then, we will go to Nyx’s. Also, how can we join the two? There has to be a way.”
Our footsteps echo down the hall and one of my guards nods at me when we walk by, yet Rarity stops in her tracks.
“Hi, I’m Rarity,” she introduces, holding out her hand. “I am their mate, so I guess your new princess, but please call me Rarity,” she says.
I shake my head behind hers so my guard can see me.
“Princess Rarity,” he bows. “I am Taygen, one of Prince Cailian’s guards. It is nice to meet you. If you need anything at all, please, let me know.”
“Rarity,” she corrects him. “Only Rarity.”
“As you wish, Princess Rarity,” he says with a smile.
“I see how this is going to be. I will wear you down. You just wait and see.”
“You can do your best, Princess Rarity. It will not work. I am trained for that.”
“Challenge accepted. I have a feeling we are going to be friends.”
“I am afraid I cannot be your friend. It is not appropriate,” he explains, politely, switching the iced spear into his other hand.