Page 75 of Eternally Rare
Nyx presses his chin to the sharp point of the blade, a bead of blood dripping down it in dark elegance. The dragon doesn’t flinch, if anything, he is daring my little brother to drive the blade deeper.
“I wonder if my firebond could live with his brother dead. What do you think?” He tilts his head, narrowing his eyes sardonically. “A life for a life?”
“That’s enough!” A soft feminine voice cascades down the swirling steps causing every being in the castle to turn to her.
All of my guards, my brother, my assistant to the crown, the elven royal servants, and Nyx stare at her as she comes down the steps.
“Wow,” Nyx whispers, his eyes glued to our gorgeous mate.
There is no hate in his eyes. There is nothing but love and adoration. I wonder if I will ever have the chance to have him look at me the way he looks at Rarity.
The only saving grace is Rarity is not looking at him the same way in return. Fury paints her cheeks and hardens her eyes. Her new heels have spears of ice to make them stiletto and they click against the frosted steps with every step.
“The hate has got to stop, or nothing will get done. It ends now if we care about anything other than ourselves. There are others in this kingdom. Nyx—” she stops in front of him on the steps, still not as tall as he is but with how her shoulders are tossed back and her chin held high, she is every bit as large as he is. “—Why didn’t you tell us about the trolls?”
Smoke escapes his mouth in a demonic cloud. “Because there is nothing to tell. The best of my dragons are keeping an eye on them. The trolls haven’t moved in days. I had no updates to give.”
“It doesn’t matter if they have sat on their asses for a year,” Zyrl’s voice echoes in the chamber.
Rarity lifts her hand to silence him, and I hide my smile. She is a natural in a leadership position. She was born for this.
“Zyrl, please. I will take care of this.” Rarity turns her lavender gaze to Nyx, presses her hand against his jaw, and a cold pattern etches across the sharp point. “Would you have said anything if the trolls began to move closer to the kingdoms?”
“Only because he would have to,” I inform, not allowing the sadness to leak into my words. “Because trolls love dragon hearts. It is a delicacy for them. His kingdom would be in chaos, and we would wonder why. We would have been unprepared and if the trolls came while we had no idea, we would have lost too many to count.” I turn to Nyx and give a soft smile. “And I do not know if you would have cared or if you do at all. I think it might be best if we go our separate ways right now. Rarity will come to you later—”
“—Rarity will do no such thing.”
My Snow steps towards the doors, her violet eyes storming with anger. “We will deal with our differences, but right now, I would like the tour of the kingdoms. We will do it together, so everyone sees us together.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Nyx states, glancing around the living room chamber to see all of my elves who stay in the castle staring at him. “Tension is high right now. I doubt I am welcome—”
“—You are always welcome,” I cut him off from saying anything else and Zyrl huffs in frustration. “You are my mate. My mates, no matter what, always have permission to be here.” I turn around and look each of my elves in the eye. “Do I make myself clear? You are to answer to me, to Rarity, and to Nyx.”
“Yes, Prince,” they state in unison, bowing their heads.
A young elf, not more than sixty years old and his ears not even fully pointed yet, raises his hand. “Can I ask a question?” he asks, his voice timid and unsure.
“Of course, Laliel,” I reply.
“Will the vampire eat us?” he asks, and a wave of murmurs follow by my fellow elves.
Rarity snorts, which is not very royal-like, and begins to laugh. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” She clears her throat, still trying not to snicker.
Nyx smiles too, rubbing his hand over his mouth to hide it.
Rarity strolls to Laliel, the green dress giving her skin an ethereal glow. “Do you see my fangs?” She curls her lips back to show off the impressive points, the memory of them sinking into me causing my cock to harden.
“I can smell your want,” Nyx rumbles from beside me.
“Do not worry,” I reassure him, keeping my focus on Rarity. “It is not aimed toward you.”
A sharp sliver of pain radiates through the bond and Rarity turns around, furrowing her brows as she gives us a glance.
Nyx does not say a word because really, what could he say? The fact that he willingly put my kingdom in danger, and not even the bond was enough for him to have the courtesy to tell me the truth about the trolls, speaks volumes.
This will be a mating of convenience for the two of us, nothing more, nothing less, no matter how much my heart loves him.