Page 13 of Eternally Rare
“Because making it difficult is too much energy. I do not have it. I would rather die in peace than in battle, and this is as peaceful as I can imagine this situation. No?”
So many times, so many years where I’ve dreamed of having my hands around his throat, but feeling his skin against mine has me brushing my thumb along his collarbone. He’s softer than I thought he’d be.
“Do it,” he urges.
I try to, I do. My arms shake and my hands tighten slightly, but not enough to make him suffocate. I lean, dipping my head, my mouth inching closer to his.
“Your father would not hesitate. Is that what you need to hear? Do you need to hear that your scales are just like his? I knowwhat they look like as the color is drained from them. You have me right where you want me. Do it.”
My chest rises and falls as the air becomes thicker and harder to breathe. My vision swims and that’s when I feel the hot tears on my cheeks while fighting the embedded instincts in my blood to kiss him. I haven’t cried in eight hundred years.
And kissing him would be my suicide.
“Do it!” he yells. “Do it, My Dove. Fucking do it already!”
A roar breaks free from me, my dragon letting go of his pain, and it’s so loud, the castle’s foundation quakes. I shove him away, my body bursting into flames.
“Enough! Stop. Stop calling me that. Stop making this simple.” I wipe the mourning away from my cheeks, the wetness is odd, and a surprise. Tears proving that my heart will always want to stop me from hurting what is destined to be mine.
An evil smile twists his lips. “Your father asked me to stop too.”
I lift my hand in the air and call on my fire until a burning sphere floats in my palm. I sling it toward him, and he dives to the left. The wall behind him bursts into flames as the orb hits the stone.
He’s quick, flinging sharp icicles in my direction, they hit my chest as I stalk forward, barely piercing my thick scales.
“I might as well have a little fun with my mate before I die.”
“Do not call me that, you murderer.”
Something flashes across his eyes, but it’s gone. From the ground, an iced trident is born, and he flings it at me. It whooshes through the air and pins me against the nearby wall. My throat is caught between two spikes. My hands wrap around the ice and it’s as if I’m trapped within a glacier. My breath puffs in frozen clouds and even my natural heat is taking its fucking time melting it.
He walks so effortlessly, that it’s as if he is floating on a cloud as he stands in front of me. “Remember, as long as we do not touch, we can use our powers.”
“Good,” I snarl, leaning my throat against the weapon. “The thought of your hands on me makes me fucking sick. How dare Fate give me a firebond who killed my father?” I try to break free. “Why would Fate think for one moment I’d want those hands on me? I’d only think about how you froze him, you traitor.”
“I am many things, but I am not a traitor.” He eyes me up and down. “You are gorgeous, My Dove.”
“Do not fucking call me that,” I hiss.
He drags his hand down my chest, my scales coming alive at his touch. My cock responds, growing hard for him to my dismay.
“I have never seen a dragon naked,” he admits, biting his bottom lip as he stares at my hard cock. “You are a sight painted beyond the beauties of the universe.” He lifts his eyes from my leaking shaft, precome dribbling free, and heat pools in the wide length.
Beyond the beauties of the universe.
Why does that statement make me fall a little more out of hate with him?
“You know what is amazing about ice, Cailian?” I hiss, water splashing at our feet as the icicle melts.
He tilts his head, curious.
“It will never stand a chance against fire.” I break free, pick him up by his neck, and then toss him to the side only for him to land on his feet.
I open my mouth and let my fire free.
Only this time, Cailian doesn’t protect himself, and a red-hot blaze engulfs his body. Pain hammers in my heart as my firebond dying punctures the solidified anger that’s in my soul.
I can’t.