Page 119 of Eternally Rare
“Damn it, Rarity. Fucking listen to me.” He grabs me by the arms, giving me a good shake. “I don’t give a fuck what you have to do to stay alive, you do it. Do you understand me? Prove nothing to no one.” His eyes drop to my stomach, and he presses his hand against my belly, a faint smile ghosting his lips. “It isn’t just you anymore. Nothing and no one else matters, okay? Promise me.”
“Dovenyx!” His name is roared monstrously from a troll.
“I promise.” A tear drips down my cheek as I press my hand over his. “I swear.” I want to ask how he knows. I know paranormal creatures can sense pregnancy instantly, but why didn’t I? What if he is wrong and just hopeful? I need to ask these questions, but now isn’t the time.
“I love you, My Darling Jewel.” Those are his last words as he backs away into the cloud of cave dust, leaving me alone to find Cailian.
I’m going to listen to him. I wish I had sunset magnolia powder. That would come in handy right now.
Another tremor shakes my legs from the floor moving and I run at vampiric speed, following the connection Anwyll and Ishare. The coven bond is useful, but I hate to use it at a time like this. I’m also fighting every damn urge not to look for Cailian.
Every molecule that makes me is pushing me to go to our beloved, but I have to trust Nyx to find him.
I dive behind a large rock and glance up, gasping when I see the large hole in the ceiling that was once a mountain. “Oh my gods,” I whisper as dragons fly back and forth, attacking the large arms of the troll who continues to swing his hammer, but to me, it reminds me of a bat. It is huge, but I can’t tell what it is made of.
More screams have me flinching and another tear breaks free, rolling down my cheek.
“Stay alive, Cailian. Stay Alive, Nyx. Come home to me,” I whisper, pouring my love into the bond in hopes they can hear me. I shut my eyes, needing a moment to calm my racing heart. I’ve only been scared like this one other time in my life and that’s when I was a baby, watching my mother get torn to pieces by werewolves.
The sound of Anwyll’s voice has me snapping my eyes back open, staring into his bright green eyes. “Anwyll!” I throw my arms around his neck, inhaling him and smelling the scent of home. “Are you okay? Oh my gods, you’re bleeding.” I touch his cheek.
“It isn’t mine. I killed a troll.”
I stare at him in disbelief. “But how? They are huge and strong. You couldn’t have.”
“I couldn’t leave you here unprepared for this.” A boom in the distance has him crouching more to stay hidden. “I took Ru home to be safe. I can’t risk her, not when we have triplets at home.”
“I know. I know. I understand. I don’t want any of you to stay. You need to go. Go home, Anwyll.”
“I did and I grabbed something I think will help you.” He reaches behind him and pulls from his waistband a unicorn horn.
I’ve only heard about this from his adventures while trying to get the treatment for Aziel, his brother, to cure his madness. This horn was used against stone giants, the only thing capable enough to pierce the strong stone hide of the creatures they fought.
“The stone giants and the trolls look a lot alike. I gambled in hopes it would work the same. The magic, the purity, the innocence, I don’t know, whatever is in this horn is strong enough to kill them, but one stab won’t do it.” He takes my hand and places the horn in my palm, wrapping my fingers around it. “Give it to Nyx. He’ll be able to do what needs to be done.”
I stare at the beautiful horn sprinkled with blood. It has to be twelve inches long and it swirls together in opal shades. When the light hits it, pinks, purples, and blues. How can it be capable of being so deadly?
“Come back with me to Salem.”
“What?” I hiss, clutching the horn to my chest. “No. Are you out of your mind?”
“Maybe, but you’ll be safe. Rarity, if anything happens to you—” he hangs his head, taking my hand in his, clutching it so hard it almost hurts. “—We don’t know what we’ll do. I don’t know what I’ll do. You’ve saved my life so many times. You’re the reason I have the life I have. You’re always saving others even when you don’t think you are. Let me save you. Let me return the favor.”
I hug him, wrapping my arms around him tightly, and memorize what his friendship feels like because if I don’t make it out alive, I want to relish in this moment.
Sniffling, I pull away, snagging the sunset magnolia powder hanging on his belt loop. “You have saved me. You risked yourlife to come back here to give me this. So now I have to return the favor.” I toss the powder bomb behind him, an orange sparking circle forming, and in the distance, I can see the Monreaux Estate. “I’ll see you soon, Anwyll.”
Using half of my vampire strength so I don’t hurt him, I shove him backward, and he flies through the air, falling into the portal.
His eyes are full of fear and anger. His arms flail to reach to me, his hands snagging air. “Rarity!” My name is echoed through dimensions as the portal closes.
“I’m sorry, Anwyll. I hope you can forgive me.” I peek over the chunk of rock I’m hiding behind, eyes widening in fear when I see so many elves lying still.
I climb the fallen rubble before jumping down, and running to the first elf I see. His eyes flutter when he sees me, a small, bloody smile stretching his face.