Page 111 of Eternally Rare
I can see the flames in their stomach as they swallow. Their hearts beat the same color as Nyx’s eyes. “What are those? They are… terrifying. I have seen them on my walks, but I have never approached one.”
“We don’t know their official name, but we call them phantom feeders.”
“Makes sense.” Rarity crinkles her nose. “They are kind of terrifying.”
“No need to be. They are harmless. They can walk right through you without harming you. Holy— What the hell is that Cailian?” Nyx points to the snowing side of the landscape we are passing through.
A large beast with long hair, long teeth, and one eye walks alongside of the carriage.
“Aw, that is a unifuring. A gentle creature. They love to be pet right behind the ears.”
“He is kind of cute.” Rarity presses her face against the glass. “Like a puppy.”
“A puppy? What is that?” Nyx stretches to peer from the other side of the carriage to get a better look at the beast.
“I’ll have to show you when we visit my coven. You’ll meet Whiskey.”
“I look forward to it,” Nyx says, looking at her as if she is his entire world before gliding his eyes to me.
His expression changes slightly. The slightest wrinkles form around his mouth, his eyes becoming bigger for just a fraction of a second before forcing a smile.
The rough road of the lands meeting becomes smooth, the ride no longer bumpy. The large landscape has always taken my breath away.
“Welcome to the land of the wind wolves. The House of Howls and Wind.”
Rarity peeks at Nyx before scooting closer to the window. “Wow. This is beautiful. They lived here?”
“They did. I miss our neighbors. I miss hearing the howls and the promise of the wind. I hope they aren’t dead and are just lost looking for a way home,” Nyx says solemnly.
We travel further into the crater, cutting through a light dusting of snow. The mountainous walls tower over us, nearly cutting the sky. There are no trees, no creatures, no life. It is empty, barren, and waiting for someone to make this place a home.
The carriage rolls to a stop and Nyx climbs out first, he turns and holds his hands out to help Rarity and me down.
“I remember when the howls would echo from the mountains and then make their way to us.”
“Me too.” Nyx places his hand on my lower back. “Come on. Everyone is waiting for us inside.”
“A cave? The wolves lived in a cave?”
“It is actually very nice. Looks a lot like a castle on the inside only it is in a mountain,” I explain.
Raiden stays behind us, protecting us to make sure there are no threats. Candles light the pathway inside the cave. Music plays in the distance. Laughter has me grinning from ear to ear.
“Do you want me to announce you, Nyx?” Raiden asks.
“No. Everyone knows who we are. There’s no need to remind them.”
The cave opens to a giant space. We are on the second floor where a few dragons and elves are gathered, actually speaking to one another. Rarity peers over the railing, completely enamored with what she sees. Below is a dance floor where no one is dancing which is a shame because the floor is made from the last of the trees that grew on this mountain. The floor is a beautifullight yellow color and in the middle, there is the House of Howls and Winds seal. A wolf howling with three lines to represent the wind.
My Snow gasps when she hears her name. She spins around, Nyx and I following her excitement.
“Lexy!” she screams, running to her brother. She jumps, wrapping her arms around him to give him a hug.
The vampire picks her up and swings her from side to side, cupping the back of her head. “Oh, I’ve missed you, Rarity. We all have missed you so much,” he says.
Nyx growls, stomping forward before I have time to stop him.