Page 7 of Snaring Emberly
“Now, can I have the hose?” Cesare says, his voice eager.
I hesitate, not wanting to cut short my revenge until Benito adds, “Our new attorney is waiting for you in the office.”
Cesare snatches the hose and grins. “Don’t worry, brother, I’ll take really good care of Ricky.”
Yeah, right.
Smirking, I follow Benito out into the hallway, already writing Ricky off as dead. He’s a small fry compared to the prospect of ensnaring Emberly Kay.
The new lawyer Benito dredged up is an older man named Nick Terranova, who is well-versed in Vincent’s screw up. He’s a second cousin, who knows exactly what will happen to him if he’s disloyal.
Benito and I sit with him in the office. Even though I’ve muted the monitors that take up the walls opposite, muffled dance music still filters in through the walls. We need a quieter location for business meetings. A nice legitimate-looking office building with security guards and a receptionist because I can’t run our family empire from the back of a club.
I tell Nick about my plan to abduct Emberly Kay and force her to transfer everything she’s inherited from Capello.
The older man shakes his head. “That’s risky.”
“How so?” I ask.
“You’re going to abduct the girl, hold her hostage, and make her sign a bunch of contracts to give back the assets her father stole. That’s duress.”
“Not only could you end up back in jail, but any contracts formed under duress aren’t even enforceable. She might even run crying to her cousins, Tommy and Matty Galliano.”
My lip curls at the reminder of those New Jersey bastards, and I lean back in my seat. “How is she going to claim duress if she’s dead?”
Nick gives me a slow nod. “You’re going to kill the girl?”
“I’m not a murderer,” I reply with a grin, but the answer is yes.
When Capello framed me for murder, I wanted to gut that fat bastard and make him eat his own entrails. Benito talked sense into me and suggested that we let our cousin Leroi shoot him through the skull along with all his descendants to leave no messy traces. Now, I’ll have to satisfy myself with his long-lost daughter.
We spend the next few hours discussing the state of our organization, interrupted by employees from across the business stepping in to congratulate me on my release. Even our tailor drops by with a new suit tailored to fit my new measurements.
Nick rises from his seat. “I can draw up the contracts for all the assets you listed, but I suggest buying them from her if you want to make the agreements iron clad. That way, Tommy Galliano, the lawyers handling Capello’s estate, or any other interested parties won’t be able to dispute them in court.”
My jaw tightens at the thought of paying to reclaim items that are rightfully ours. I want to keep the girl in a room and terrorize her until she decides to do what’s right.
“I’ll think about it,” I mutter.
With a nod, Nick picks up his briefcase and walks out.
As soon as the door clicks shut, I turn to Benito. “The first thing we’re getting back is the casino. There’s only so much dirty money we can run through the Phoenix.”
He rubs his chin. “I thought you’d make her sign over the bank accounts and safety deposit boxes?”
“We have to get hold of her first.” I pick up my phone and fire up the surveillance app. The room she rents is empty. “What times is she alone?”
“You planning on picking her up from her home?”
“I’m not waiting for one of your fliers to lure her to the club.”
Benito’s face twists into a grimace. “You don’t want to end up back in jail. If anyone sees you sniffing around her apartment?—”
“They won’t,” I say.
“Because you want an alibi for every move you make. Last time?—”